tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-07-23 10:00:39

    Applicable Scenario

    Web & H5 platform, enabling independent integration of private messaging (1V1) or group chat (Group), such as real estate consultations, e-commerce customer service, and remote insurance claims assessment.

    Environment Requirements

    Vue (Comprehensively supports both Vue2 & Vue3. Please select the Vue version guide that matches your needs for integration below)
    TypeScript (If you have a JS project, please refer to How to Integrate TUIKit Components in a JS Project for progressive support for TS)
    Sass (sass-loader version ≤ 10.1.1)
    node(node.js ≥ 16.0.0)
    npm (use a version that matches the Node version in use)

    Integration Guide

    Follow the steps in Integrating TUIKit. After completing these steps, you need to configure TUIChat as follows.

    Integrate <TUIChat>

    Import the TUIChat component on the page where it is needed.
    For example, implement the following code in App.vue to quickly set up the chat interface and initiate a specified session:
    conversationID:Session ID. The composition of the Session ID is as follows:
    C2C${userID} (for one-on-one chats), for example C2C123456
    GROUP${groupID} (for group chats), for example GROUP123456
    <div id="app">
    :style="{ width: '500px', height: '800px', margin: '0 auto', boxShadow: '0 11px 20px #ccc' }"
    <TUIChat><h1>Welcome to Tencent Cloud Chat</h1></TUIChat>
    <script lang="ts" setup>
    import { TUIKit, TUIChat } from "./TUIKit";
    <style lang="scss"></style>

    Initiate the project

    Execute the following command to initiate the project:
    Since vue-cli enables Webpack Global Overlay Error Message Prompt by default, for a better experience, it is recommended to disable the global overlay error prompt.
    module.exports = defineConfig({
    devServer: {
    client: {
    overlay: false,
    module.exports = {
    devServer: {
    overlay: false,
    npm run serve
    npm run dev


    Please click FAQs to view the solution.


    Related to Vue2 & Vue3 UIKit:

    Vue2 & Vue3 UIKit Logic Layer: Engine Related

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