tencent cloud


Live Chat Room

Last updated: 2024-05-13 17:58:07


    This article is based on the Tencent Cloud AV Chat Room plug-in, combined with the Live Flutter SDK Realized live broadcast business scenario.

    Tencent Cloud AV Chat Room

    Tencent Cloud AV Chat Room is a UI component based on Tencent Cloud Chat SDK and implemented around chat interaction scenarios.
    You can use this component to quickly implement an application with tens of millions of interactions.



    Have registered Tencent Cloud account and completed [identity verification](https://www.tencentcloud.com/zh/document/ product/378/3629).
    Create an application by referring to Create and upgrade an application, and record SDKAppID.
    Select your application in IM Console, click Accessibility Tools -> UserSig Generation & Verification in the left navigation bar, and create a UserID and its corresponding UserSig , copy the three UserID, Signature (Key), UserSig, which will be used in subsequent logins.
    Create a Flutter app.
    Add tencent_cloud_av_chat_room in the pubspec.yaml file under dependencies. Or execute the following command:
    /// step 1:
    flutter pub add tencent_cloud_av_chat_room
    /// step 2:
    flutter pub get

    Step 1: Initialize and login to IM

    There are two ways to initialize and log in to IM:
    External component: The entire application is initialized and logged in only once.
    Inside the component: pass parameters into the component through configuration. If you are integrating this plugin in an existing IM flutter project, you can skip this step.
    Outside the component (recommended)
    Initialize IM in the flutter app you created, note that the IM app only needs to be initialized once. This step can be skipped if integrating in an existing IM project.
    import 'package:tencent_av_chat_room_kit/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk_type.dart';
    class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
    final int _sdkAppID = 0; // SDKAppID of the IM application created in the preconditions
    final String _loginUserID = ""; // UserID in precondition
    final String _userSig = ""; // UserSig in preconditions
    void initState() {
    _initAndLoginIm() async {
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.initSDK(
    sdkAppID: _sdkAppID,
    loglevel: LogLevelEnum.V2TIM_LOG_ALL,
    listener: V2TimSDKListener());
    .login(userID: _loginUserID, userSig: _userSig);
    Inside the component
    You can also pass SDKAppID, UserSig, UserID into the component through configuration to initialize and log in IM.
    import 'package:tencent_cloud_av_chat_room/tencent_cloud_av_chat_room.dart';
    class _TencentAVChatRoomKitState extends State<TencentCloudAVChatRoom> {
    final int _sdkAppID = 0; // SDKAppID of the IM application created in the preconditions
    final String _loginUserID = ""; // UserID in precondition
    final String _userSig = ""; // UserSig in preconditions
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TencentCloudAVChatRoom(
    config: TencentCloudAvChatRoomConfig(
    loginUserID: _loginUserID, sdkAppID: _sdkAppID, userSig: _userSig));

    Step 2: Using Components

    Use that component in your appropriate module.
    import 'package:tencent_cloud_av_chat_room/tencent_cloud_av_chat_room.dart';
    class _TencentAVChatRoomKitState extends State<TencentCloudAVChatRoom> {
    final int _sdkAppID = 0; // SDKAppID of the IM application created in the preconditions
    final String _loginUserID = ""; // UserID in precondition
    final String _userSig = ""; // UserSig in preconditions
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TencentCloudAVChatRoom(
    data: TencentCloudAvChatRoomData(anchorInfo: AnchorInfo()),
    config: TencentCloudAvChatRoomConfig(
    loginUserID: _loginUserID, sdkAppID: _sdkAppID, userSig: _userSig, avChatRoomID: ''));

    Cooperate with Tencent Cloud View Cube to build a live broadcast room

    Live streaming is ubiquitous in life, and more and more companies and developers are building their own live streaming platforms. The following will introduce how to build a live broadcast room with Tencent Cloud View Cube. The live broadcast room mainly includes two parts: live broadcast and interaction. In the live broadcast part, we will use Tencent Cloud View Cube mobile live broadcast to realize live streaming, screen playback, etc. Interaction uses this plug-in to achieve live broadcast likes, gift giving, barrage sending and receiving, etc.
    The relevant code of this article can be downloaded and viewed in Github.

    Live streaming and screen playback

    The live broadcast SDK is one of the sub-products of the Tencent Cloud View Cube product family. The live broadcast SDK supports live streaming push, pull streaming, host-audience interaction with hosts, host cross-room PK and other capabilities, providing users with stable and extremely fast live broadcast terminal services. See Live Streaming Flutter SDK Standard Live Streaming to realize the functions of live streaming and screen playback.
    1: Set License
    // live.dart
    class Live extends StatefulWidget {
    const Live({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
    State<Live> createState() => _LiveState();
    class _LiveState extends State<Live> {
    void initState() {
    /// Tencent Cloud License Management Page (https://console.tencentcloud.com/live/license)
    setupLicense() {
    // The currently applied License LicenseUrl
    final licenseUrl = "";
    // License Key currently applied
    final licenseKey = "";
    V2TXLivePremier.setLicence(licenseUrl, licenseKey);
    2: Live streaming, screen playback
    // live_player.dart
    class _LivePlayState extends State<LivePlayer> {
    void initState() {
    initPlayer() async {
    _livePlayer = await V2TXLivePlayer.create();
    void dispose() {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
    color: Colors.black.withOpacity(0.7),
    child: V2TXLiveVideoWidget(
    onViewCreated: (viewId) async {
    _localViewId = viewId;
    void startPlay() async {
    if (_isPlaying) {
    if (_localViewId != null) {
    debugPrint("_localViewId $_localViewId");
    var code = await _livePlayer.setRenderViewID(_localViewId!);
    if (code != V2TXLIVE_OK) {
    debugPrint("StartPlay error: please check remoteView load");
    var url = widget.playUrl;
    debugPrint("play url: $url");
    var playStatus = await _livePlayer.startLivePlay(url);
    debugPrint("play status: $playStatus");
    if (playStatus != V2TXLIVE_OK) {
    setState(() {
    _onError = true;
    debugPrint("play error: $playStatus url: $url");
    await _livePlayer.setPlayoutVolume(100);
    setState(() {
    _isPlaying = true;

    Live interaction (like, give gifts, send and receive barrage)

    Live interaction is particularly important in live broadcast scenarios. Users interact with the anchor through barrage, gift giving, etc. Next, see Introduction to integrate this plugin.
    1: Initialize, log in to IM
    We log in to IM outside the plugin, and usually the entire application only needs to initialize and log in to IM once.
    import 'package:tencent_av_chat_room_kit/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk_type.dart';
    class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
    final int _sdkAppID = 0; // SDKAppID of the IM application created in the preconditions
    final String _loginUserID = ""; // UserID in precondition
    final String _userSig = ""; // UserSig in preconditions
    void initState() {
    _initAndLoginIm() async {
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.initSDK(
    sdkAppID: _sdkAppID,
    loglevel: LogLevelEnum.V2TIM_LOG_ALL,
    listener: V2TimSDKListener());
    .login(userID: _loginUserID, userSig: _userSig);
    2: Use plugins
    // live_room.dart
    class LiveRoom extends StatelessWidget {
    final String loginUserID;
    final String playUrl;
    final String avChatRoomID = ''; // A live broadcast room is essentially all users sending and receiving messages in an av chat room type group
    LiveRoom({Key? key, required this.loginUserID, required this.playUrl})
    : super(key: key);
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Stack(
    children: [
    LivePlayer(playUrl: playUrl), // Live streaming and screen playback
    config: TencentCloudAvChatRoomConfig(
    avChatRoomID: avChatRoomID,
    loginUserID: loginUserID, //Login user ID
    data: TencentCloudAvChatRoomData(
    isSubscribe: false,
    notification: "Broadcast Room Announcement",
    anchorInfo: AnchorInfo(
    subscribeNum: 200,
    fansNum: 5768,
    nickName: "stormy life",
    Above we use Stack Widget to combine LivePlayer (live broadcast) and LiveRoom (interactive) through cascading.
    3: How to customize
    The plug-in itself provides a default UI, but users often have different UIs during actual use. Next, we will introduce how to customize this plug-in.
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Stack(
    children: [
    LivePlayer(playUrl: playUrl), // Live streaming and screen playback
    roomHeaderAction: Container(), // The area custom component is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen, and the default display is the number of people online in the live room
    roomHeaderLeading: Container(), // The area custom component is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, and the anchor information is displayed by default
    roomHeaderTag: Container(), // Below roomHeaderAction and roomHeaderLeading, it is generally used to display leaderboards, popularity, etc.
    onlineMemberListPanelBuilder: (context, id) { // Customize the panel that expands after clicking on the number of online members in the live broadcast room
    return Container();
    anchorInfoPanelBuilder: (context, id) { // Customize the expanded panel after the anchor's avatar is clicked
    return Container();
    giftsPanelBuilder: (context) { // Customize the panel displayed after clicking the gift button at the bottom right of the screen
    return Container();
    messageItemBuilder: (context, message, child) { // Customize bullet chat messages
    return Container();
    messageItemPrefixBuilder: (context, message) { // Customize the prefix of bullet chat messages, generally used to customize fan brands, etc.
    return Container();
    giftMessageBuilder: (context, message) { // Custom gift message, gift message that slides in from the left side of the screen
    return Container();
    textFieldActionBuilder: (// Customize the lower right area of the screen
    ) {
    return [Container()];
    textFieldDecoratorBuilder: (context) { // Customize the input box at the bottom left of the screen
    return Container();
    4: Gift
    Giving gifts is a very important scene in the live broadcast scene. This plugin provides analysis of three types of gifts by default, users only need to send a custom message in a specific format to display the gift message on the interface. The default gift panel of this plug-in is only used to display the gift message parsing function. Usually, gifts will involve the logic of user billing and measurement, so users need to call the server interface to send gifts according to their business needs. information. The gift giving process is as follows:
    The short connection request from the client to its own business server involves billing logic.
    After billing, the sender directly sees that XXX sent XXX a gift. (To ensure that the sender sees the gift they sent, when there is a large amount of messages, the abandonment strategy may be triggered)
    After billing and settlement, call the server interface to send a custom message (gift) Gift Messages We do this by sending custom messages. Three gift formats are defined as follows:
    // Gifts with special effects (the details of the gift will slide into the left side of the screen and the special effects of the gift (Lottie/SVAGA) will be displayed on the screen)
    final customInfoRocket = {
    "version": 1.0, // protocol version number
    "businessID": "flutter_live_kit", // Business ID field
    "data": {
    "send_gift_message", // must be send_gift_message
    "cmdInfo": {
    "type": 3, // gift type
    "giftUrl": "", // URL of gift image
    "giftCount": 1, // number of gifts
    "giftSEUrl": "assets/live/rocket.json", // gift special effect address, if it starts with http, the network address will be loaded
    "giftName": "Super Rocket", // gift name
    // The gift does not have special effects (it will slide in on the left side of the screen)
    final customInfoPlane = {
    "version": 1.0, // protocol version number
    "businessID": "flutter_live_kit", // Business ID field
    "data": {
    "send_gift_message", // must be send_gift_message
    "cmdInfo": {
    "type": 2, // gift type
    "giftUrl": "", // URL of gift image
    "giftCount": 1, // number of gifts
    "giftName": "Airplane", // gift name
    // Ordinary gift (the gift will be displayed in the barrage, and will not slide in from the left side of the screen and display special effects)
    final normalGift = {
    "version": 1.0, // protocol version number
    "businessID": "flutter_live_kit", // business ID field
    "data": {
    "send_gift_message", // must be send_gift_message
    "cmdInfo": {
    "type": 1, //Ordinary gift
    "giftUrl": "", // URL of gift image
    "giftCount": 1, // number of gifts
    "giftName": "flower", // gift name
    "giftUnits": "Duo", // gift units
    5: Theme In addition to customization, this plugin also provides the capability of theme. The theme is divided into two parts: color and font. Theme can be customized according to your needs.

    API Docs


    The data that the component needs to use, such as anchor information, broadcast room announcements, etc.
    anchorInfo: AnchorInfo(), // anchor information
    isSubscribe: false, // whether to subscribe
    notification: "Live Room Announcement" // Live Room Announcement


    Component configuration information.
    avChatRoomID: '', // AV Chat Group. Group ID of AV Chat Room type.[https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/269/75697?from_cn_redirect=1]
    loginUserID: '', // login user ID
    sdkAppID: 0, // IM application ID
    userSig: '', // sig generated by user ID and secretKey
    barrageMaxCount: 200, // The maximum number of barrage. The default is 200. When the number of entries is exceeded, the earlier barrage will be cleared.
    giftHttpBase: '', // Gift message http base.
    displayConfig: DisplayConfig() // Can control the display and hiding of some components on the interface


    Component controller, which can be called outside the component to update data, send messages, etc.
    final controller = TencentCloudAvChatRoomController();
    final _needUpdateData = TencentCloudAvChatRoomData(
    anchorInfo: AnchorInfo(), // anchor information
    isSubscribe: false, // whether to subscribe
    notification: "Live Room Announcement" // Live Room Announcement
    final _textString = "I am a text message";
    final customInfoRocket = {
    "version": 1.0, // protocol version number
    "businessID": "flutter_live_kit", // Business ID field
    "data": {
    "send_gift_message", // command
    "cmdInfo": { // Information carried by the command
    "type": 3, // gift type
    "giftUrl": "1e8913f8c6d804972887fc179fa1fbd7.png", // gift image address
    "giftCount": 1, // number of gifts
    "giftSEUrl": "assets/live/rocket.json", // gift special effect address
    "giftName": "Super Rocket", // gift name
    final customInfoPlane = {
    "version": 1.0,
    "businessID": "flutter_live_kit",
    "data": {
    "cmdInfo": {
    "type": 2,
    "giftUrl": "5e175b792cd652016aa87327b278402b.png",
    "giftCount": 1,
    "giftName": "Airplane",
    final customInfoFlower = {
    "version": 1.0,
    "businessID": "flutter_live_kit",
    "data": {
    "cmdInfo": {
    "type": 1,
    "giftUrl": "8f25a2cdeae92538b1e0e8a04f86841a.png",
    "giftCount": 1,
    "giftName": "Flower",
    "giftUnits": "Duo",
    // Update the data information of the incoming component.
    controller. updateData(_needUpdateData);
    // send text message
    controller. sendTextMessage(_textString);
    // Send a gift message, the gift message needs to follow the specific format above. There are three types of gifts: [1]: Normal gifts [2]: Gifts without special effects [3]: Gifts with special effects
    // Send any type of message, [message] needs to be created by yourself
    controller. sendMessage(message);
    // Play special effects animation (Lottie, SVGA).


    Event callback。
    onMemberEnter: (memberInfo) {}, // someone enters the live room
    onRecvNewMessage: (message) {} // received barrage message


    custom components
    roomHeaderAction: Container(), // The area custom component is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen, and the default display is the number of people online in the live room
    roomHeaderLeading: Container(), // The area custom component is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, and the anchor information is displayed by default
    roomHeaderTag: Container(), // Below roomHeaderAction and roomHeaderLeading, it is generally used to display leaderboards, popularity, etc.
    onlineMemberListPanelBuilder: (context, id) { // Customize the panel that expands after clicking on the number of online members in the live broadcast room
    return Container();
    anchorInfoPanelBuilder: (context, id) { // Customize the expanded panel after the anchor's avatar is clicked
    return Container();
    giftsPanelBuilder: (context) { // Customize the panel displayed after clicking the gift button at the bottom right of the screen
    return Container();
    messageItemBuilder: (context, message, child) { // Customize bullet chat messages
    return Container();
    messageItemPrefixBuilder: (context, message) { // Customize the prefix of bullet chat messages, generally used to customize fan brands, etc.
    return Container();
    giftMessageBuilder: (context, message) { // Custom gift message, gift message that slides in from the left side of the screen
    return Container();
    textFieldActionBuilder: (// Customize the lower right area of ​​the screen
    ) {
    return [Container()];
    textFieldDecoratorBuilder: (context) { // Customize the input box at the bottom left of the screen
    return Container();


    backgroundColor: Colors.black, // The background color of the widget,
    hintColor: Colors.red, // hint text color
    highlightColor: Colors.orange, // highlight color
    accentColor: Colors.white, // foreground color
    textTheme: TencentCloudAvChatRoomTextTheme(), // font theme
    secondaryColor: Colors.grey, // secondary color
    inputDecorationTheme: InputDecorationTheme() // input box theme


    font theme
    giftBannerSubTitleStyle: TextStyle(), // gift message drawn on the left side of the screen sub title font theme, gift name
    giftBannerTitleStyle: TextStyle(), // The title font theme of the gift message drawn on the left side of the screen
    anchorTitleStyle: TextStyle(), // Anchor name font theme
    anchorSubTitleStyle: TextStyle(), // like font theme
    barrageTitleStyle: TextStyle(), // barrage message sender name subject
    barrageTextStyle: TextStyle() // Barrage message content theme

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    If there's anything unclear or you have more ideas, feel free to contact us!
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