tencent cloud


React Native

Last updated: 2025-01-13 16:54:10

    Feature Overview

    The Message Response feature refers to interactive responses to a particular message, with Emoji Response being a typical example. Emoji Responses are made using emojis, allowing us to see the number of responders and the list of responders for each emoji.
    The common Emoji Response display methods currently include the following two styles:
    Style One
    Style Two
    Users can paginate and retrieve the profiles of all users who used a specific emoji.
    You can implement the Emoji Response Capability based on the SDK API:
    Call the addMessageReaction interface to add an emoji to a message. After a successful addition, the emoji will store the information of the user who performed the operation.
    Call the removeMessageReaction interface to delete an already added emoji. After successful deletion, the emoji will no longer store the information of the user who performed the operation.
    Call the getMessageReactions interface to batch retrieve the emoji list of multiple messages, where each emoji includes the total number of users currently using it and the profiles of the first N (default 10) users.
    Call the getAllUserListOfMessageReaction interface to paginate and retrieve the complete list of user profiles for users of a message emoji.
    Listen to the TencentCloudChat.EVENT.MESSAGE_REACTIONS_UPDATE event to detect changes in the user information of emoji users. This event will carry the latest user information of the emoji (including the total number of users and the profiles of the top N users).
    Supported from v3.2.0, this feature is only available to Advanced Customers. After Purchasing the Pro edition 、Pro Plus edition、Enterprise edition, it can be used.

    UI Display


    Add message response

    By calling the addMessageReaction interface, you can add a message response.
    chat.addMessageReaction(message, reactionID);
    Message object
    The message is sent successfully.
    Message Response ID
    In emoji response scenarios, the reactionID is the Emoji ID.
    A single message supports up to 10 Reactions, and a single Reaction supports up to 100 users.
    If the number of Reactions for a single message exceeds the maximum limit (10), the API call will return Error Code 23005.
    If the number of users for a single Reaction exceeds the maximum limit (100), the API call will return Error Code 23006.
    If the Reaction already includes the current user, the API call will return Error Code 23007.
    Return value
    let promise = chat.addMessageReaction(message, 'smile');
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
    // Message Response Added Successfully
    }).catch(function(imError) {
    // Failed to add message response
    console.warn('addMessageReaction error:', imError);

    Delete message response

    Call the removeMessageReactionAPI to delete a message response.
    chat.removeMessageReaction(message, reactionID);
    Message object
    The message is sent successfully.
    Message Response ID
    In emoji response scenarios, the reactionID is the Emoji ID.
    If the Reaction does not exist, the API call will return error code 23008.
    If the Reaction does not include the current user, the API call will return error code 23009.
    Return value
    let promise = chat.removeMessageReaction(message, 'smile');
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
    // Message response deleted successfully
    }).catch(function(imError) {
    // Delete message response failed
    console.warn('removeMessageReaction error:', imError);

    Batch retrieve multiple message responses

    Call getMessageReactions interface to batch retrieve multiple message response information.
    Message list
    Messages must belong to the same session and must be in a successfully sent state.
    The maximum number of user profiles returned for each Reaction
    Value range [0,10], each Reaction returns the profiles of up to the first 10 users only. For more user profiles,
    You can call the getAllUserListOfMessageReaction interface as needed for pagination retrieval.
    Return value
    let promise = chat.getMessageReactions({
    messageList: [message1, message2],
    maxUserCountPerReaction: 10,
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
    // Batch retrieval successful
    const resultList = imResponse.data;
    resultList.forEach((item) => {
    const { messageID, reactionList } = item;
    // The information returned by reactionList is as follows:
    // reactionID - Message Response ID
    // totalUserCount - Total number of users who responded to the same reactionID message
    // partialUserList - A partial list of users with the same reactionID, containing user's userID, nick, avatar information
    }).catch(function(imError) {
    // Batch retrieval failed
    console.warn('getMessageReactions error:', imError);

    Pagination retrieval of the full message response user list

    Call getAllUserListOfMessageReaction interface for pagination retrieval of the full message response user list.
    Message object
    The message is sent successfully.
    Message Response ID
    In emoji response scenarios, the reactionID is the Emoji ID.
    Pagination retrieval cursor
    For the first transmission, pass 0, then for paging, pass the nextSeq returned by succ.
    Maximum number of items that can be pulled in a single page
    Supports up to 100
    Return value
    let promise = chat.getAllUserListOfMessageReaction({
    message: message,
    reactionID: 'smile',
    nextSeq: 0,
    count: 100,
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
    // Obtained successfully
    const { userList, nextSeq, isCompleted } = imResponse.data;
    // userList - User Information List, including user's userID, nick, avatar information
    // nextSeq - This parameter must be passed in for the next pull by page
    // isCompleted - Indicates whether all user information has been pulled. When isCompleted is true, nextSeq is 0
    }).catch(function(imError) {
    // Failed to obtain
    console.warn('getAllUserListOfMessageReaction error:', imError);

    Message response information update

    When the message response information changes, the SDK will dispatch the TencentCloudChat.EVENT.MESSAGE_REACTIONS_UPDATED event. You can obtain the updated message response information in the registered callback.
    When the totalUserCount field value in the changed Reaction information is 0, it indicates that no users are using that Reaction anymore. You can remove the display of that Reaction from the UI.
    let onMessageReactionsUpdated = function(event) {
    const { messageID, reactionList } = event.data;
    // messageID - Message ID
    // reactionList - Message Response Update List
    reactionList.forEach((item) => {
    const { reactionID, totalUserCount, partialUserList } = item;
    // reactionID - Message Response ID
    // totalUserCount - Total number of users who responded to the same reactionID message
    // partialUserList - A partial list of users with the same reactionID
    chat.on(TencentCloudChat.EVENT.MESSAGE_REACTIONS_UPDATED, onMessageReactionsUpdated);
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