tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-04-02 16:14:37
    TUIKit supports modular integration starting from version 5.7.1435. You can integrate modules for integration according to your needs. Starting from version 6.9.3557, TUIKit provides a new set of minimalist version UI components. The previous version UI components are still retained, which are called the classic version UI components. You can choose either the classic or minimalist version as needed.
    For more information about TUIKit components, see here.
    The following describes how to integrate TUIKit components.

    Environment Requirements

    Xcode 10 or later
    iOS 9.0 or later

    Quickly Running the Demo

    When you use TUIKit for the first time, we strongly recommend you to download and run the TUIKitDemo source code, to experience all the features of TUIKit by using our TUIKitDemo. Moreover, most environment-related issues have been addressed in our example project, so come and experience it.

    CocoaPods Integration

    1. Install CocoaPods Enter the following command in a terminal (you need to install Ruby on your Mac first):
    sudo gem install cocoapods
    2. Add the corresponding TUIKit components to your Podfile according to business needs. TUIKit components are independent of each other, adding or removing them does not affect project compilation.
    Two Podfile integration methods are available, including Pods integration (Method 1) and DevelopPods local integration (Method 2).
    Pods integration (Method 1) is suitable when source codes are not changed:
    Advantage: In case of TUIKit version updating, you only need to run Pod update again to complete the update.
    Disadvantage: When source codes are changed, running Pod update will overwrite your modifications with the new version of TUIKit.
    DevelopPods local integration (Method 2) is suitable for customers with custom modifications of source codes:
    Advantage: When you have git repositories, you can track modifications. After source codes are changed, using Pod update (other non-local integration Pods) will not overwrite your modifications.
    Disadvantage: You need to manually overwrite your local TUIKit folder based on the TUIKit source code for updates.

    Method 1: Pulling Remote CocoaPods Integration (Recommended If Source Code Modification Is Needed)

    The following is a Podfile configuration example:
    Minimalist version
    Classic version
    # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
    # ...
    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    platform :ios, '13.0'
    # Prevent `*.xcassets` in TUIKit from conflicting with your project
    install! 'cocoapods', :disable_input_output_paths => true
    # Replace `your_project_name` with your actual project name
    target 'your_project_name' do
    # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
    # TUIKit components are dependent on static libraries. Therefore, you need to mask the configuration.
    # use_frameworks!
    # Enable modular headers as needed. Only after you enable modular headers, the Pod module can be imported using @import.
    # use_modular_headers!
    # Integrate the chat feature
    pod 'TUIChat/UI_Minimalist'
    # Integrate the conversation list feature
    pod 'TUIConversation/UI_Minimalist'
    # Integrate the relationship chain feature
    pod 'TUIContact/UI_Minimalist'
    # Integrate the group feature
    pod 'TUIGroup/UI_Minimalist'
    # Integrate the search feature (To use this feature, you need to purchase the Premium edition)
    pod 'TUISearch/UI_Minimalist'
    # Integrate the offline push feature
    pod 'TUIOfflinePush'
    # Integrate the audio/video call feature
    pod 'TUICallKit'
    #Pods config
    post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
    #Fix Xcode14 Bundle target error
    config.build_settings['EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY'] = ""
    config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = "13.0"
    #Fix Xcode15 other links flag -ld64
    xcode_version = `xcrun xcodebuild -version | grep Xcode | cut -d' ' -f2`.to_f
    if xcode_version >= 15
    xcconfig_path = config.base_configuration_reference.real_path
    xcconfig = File.read(xcconfig_path)
    if xcconfig.include?("OTHER_LDFLAGS") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig + "\\n" + 'OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) "-ld64"'
    if xcconfig.include?("OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig.sub("OTHER_LDFLAGS", "OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)")
    if xcconfig.include?("-ld64") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig.sub("OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)", 'OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) "-ld64"')
    File.open(xcconfig_path, "w") { |file| file << xcconfig }
    # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    platform :ios, '13.0'
    # Prevent `*.xcassets` in TUIKit from conflicting with your project
    install! 'cocoapods', :disable_input_output_paths => true
    # Replace `your_project_name` with your actual project name
    target 'your_project_name' do
    # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
    # TUIKit components are dependent on static libraries. Therefore, you need to mask the configuration.
    # use_frameworks!
    # Enable modular headers as needed. Only after you enable modular headers, the Pod module can be imported using @import.
    # use_modular_headers!
    # Integrate the chat feature
    pod 'TUIChat/UI_Classic'
    # Integrate the conversation list feature
    pod 'TUIConversation/UI_Classic'
    # Integrate the relationship chain feature
    pod 'TUIContact/UI_Classic'
    # Integrate the group feature
    pod 'TUIGroup/UI_Classic'
    # Integrate the search feature (To use this feature, you need to purchase the Premium edition)
    pod 'TUISearch/UI_Classic'
    # Integrate the offline push feature
    pod 'TUIOfflinePush'
    # Integrate the audio/video call feature
    pod 'TUICallKit'
    #Pods config
    post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
    #Fix Xcode14 Bundle target error
    config.build_settings['EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY'] = ""
    config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = "13.0"
    #Fix Xcode15 other links flag -ld64
    xcode_version = `xcrun xcodebuild -version | grep Xcode | cut -d' ' -f2`.to_f
    if xcode_version >= 15
    xcconfig_path = config.base_configuration_reference.real_path
    xcconfig = File.read(xcconfig_path)
    if xcconfig.include?("OTHER_LDFLAGS") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig + "\\n" + 'OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) "-ld64"'
    if xcconfig.include?("OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig.sub("OTHER_LDFLAGS", "OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)")
    if xcconfig.include?("-ld64") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig.sub("OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)", 'OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) "-ld64"')
    File.open(xcconfig_path, "w") { |file| file << xcconfig }
    1. If you run pod 'TUIChat' without specifying the classic or minimalist version, the two versions of UI components will be integrated by default. 2. The classic and minimalist versions of UI components cannot be used together. If you integrate multiple components, all the integrated components must be of the same version: classic or minimalist. For example, the classic version TUIChat must be used together with the classic version TUIConversation, TUIContact, and TUIGroup, and the minimalist version TUIChat must be used together with the minimalist version TUIConversation, TUIContact, and TUIGroup. 3. If you use Swift, enable use_modular_headers! and change the reference of the header file to the reference format of @import module name.
    1. Run the following command to install TUIKit.
    pod install
    If you cannot install the latest TUIKit version, run the following command to update the local CocoaPods repository list:
    pod repo update
    Then run the following command to update the Pod version of the component library:
    pod update
    After all TUIKit components are integrated, the project structure is as follows:
    If you still encounter problems after the above operations, see Xcode 15 FAQs and CocoaPods FAQs.

    Method 2: DevelopPods Source Code Integration (Recommended If No Source Code Modification Is Needed)

    1. Download the TUIKit source code from GitHub. Drag and drop the source code into your project directory: TIMSDK/iOS/TUIKit.
    2. Change the local path of each component in your Podfile to the path of the TUIKit folder relative to your project Podfile.
    For example, pod 'TUICore', :path => "../TUIKit/TUICore" in the Demo.
    In the example image, the TUIKit folder is in the parent directory of the Podfile. In this case, we use pod 'TUICore', :path => "../TUIKit/TUICore".
    Other relative paths are as follows:
    Parent directory: pod 'TUICore', :path => "../TUIKit/TUICore"
    Current directory: pod 'TUICore', :path => "/TUIKit/TUICore"
    Subdirectory: pod 'TUICore', :path => "../TUIKit/TUICore"
    3. Run Pod update.
    # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    platform :ios, '13.0'
    install! 'cocoapods', :disable_input_output_paths => true
    # Replace `your_project_name` with your actual project name
    target 'your_project_name' do
    # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks
    # Note: To perform upgrade when using a local integration solution, you need to access
    # https://github.com/TencentCloud/TIMSDK/tree/master/iOS/TUIKit
    # to obtain the latest component code, and place it in the local specified directory, such as /TIMSDK/ios/TUIKit/TUICore.
    # Note: When custom modifications conflict with remote changes, you need to manually merge them to resolve conflicts.
    # Integrate the basic library (required)
    pod 'TUICore', :path => "../TUIKit/TUICore"
    pod 'TIMCommon', :path => "../TUIKit/TIMCommon"
    # Integrate TUIKit components (optional)
    # Integrate the chat feature
    pod 'TUIChat', :path => "../TUIKit/TUIChat"
    # Integrate the conversation list feature
    pod 'TUIConversation', :path => "../TUIKit/TUIConversation"
    # Integrate the relationship chain feature
    pod 'TUIContact', :path => "../TUIKit/TUIContact"
    # Integrate the group feature
    pod 'TUIGroup', :path => "../TUIKit/TUIGroup"
    # Integrate the search feature (To use this feature, you need to purchase the Ultimate edition)
    pod 'TUISearch', :path => "../TUIKit/TUISearch"
    # Integrate the offline push feature
    pod 'TUIOfflinePush', :path => "../TUIKit/TUIOfflinePush"
    # Integrate the audio/video call feature
    pod 'TUICallKit'
    # Integrate the video conference feature
    pod 'TUIRoomKit'
    # Integrate the TUIKitPlugin plugin (optional)
    # Note: The TUIKitPlugin plugin version must be the same as the TUICore version.
    # Ensure that the plugin version matches spec.version in "../TUIKit/TUICore/TUICore.spec".
    # Integrate the voting plugin, supported from version 7.1
    pod 'TUIPollPlugin', '7.6.5011'
    # Integrate the group chain plugin, supported from version 7.1
    pod 'TUIGroupNotePlugin', '7.6.5011'
    # Integrate translation plugin, supported from version 7.2 (Value-added feature activation is required. Please contact Tencent Cloud sales)
    pod 'TUITranslationPlugin', '7.6.5011'
    # Integrate the session grouping plugin, supported from version 7.3
    pod 'TUIConversationGroupPlugin', '7.6.5011'
    # Integrate the session tagging plugin, supported from version 7.3
    pod 'TUIConversationMarkPlugin', '7.6.5011'
    # Other Pods
    pod 'MJRefresh'
    pod 'Masonry'
    #Pods config
    post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
    #Fix Xcode14 Bundle target error
    config.build_settings['EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY'] = ""
    config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = "NO"
    config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = "13.0"
    #Fix Xcode15 other links flag -ld64
    xcode_version = `xcrun xcodebuild -version | grep Xcode | cut -d' ' -f2`.to_f
    if xcode_version >= 15
    xcconfig_path = config.base_configuration_reference.real_path
    xcconfig = File.read(xcconfig_path)
    if xcconfig.include?("OTHER_LDFLAGS") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig + "\\n" + 'OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) "-ld64"'
    if xcconfig.include?("OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig.sub("OTHER_LDFLAGS", "OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)")
    if xcconfig.include?("-ld64") == false
    xcconfig = xcconfig.sub("OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited)", 'OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) "-ld64"')
    File.open(xcconfig_path, "w") { |file| file << xcconfig }
    To perform upgrade when using a local integration solution, you need to access TUIKitDemo source code .
    Obtain the latest component code and place it in a local directory, such as TIMSDK/iOS/TUIKit.
    Note: When custom modifications conflict with remote changes, you need to manually merge them to resolve conflicts.
    Note: The TUIKitPlugin plugin version must be the same as the TUICore version. Ensure that the plugin version matches spec.version in "../TUIKit/TUICore/TUICore.spec".
    If you still encounter problems after the above operations, see Xcode 15 FAQs and CocoaPods FAQs.

    Quick Build

    Instant messaging software usually consists of several basic UIs such as the conversation list, chat window, contacts, and audio/video call UIs. It only takes a few lines of code to build these UIs in your project. The process is as follows:
    About TUIKit component features. If you want to learn more, you can download and run TUIKitDemo source code, where you can find samples of frequently used features.

    Step 1. Log in to TUIKit

    You need to log in to TUIKit before you can use the component features properly. To log in to TUIKit, click Login on your app. You need to create an app and obtain the SDKAppID in the Chat console. userSig needs to be calculated according to rules. For operation details, see Get Started.
    Sample code:
    #import "TUILogin.h"
    - (void)loginSDK:(NSString *)userID userSig:(NSString *)sig succ:(TSucc)succ fail:(TFail)fail {
    [TUILogin login:SDKAppID userID:userID userSig:sig succ:^{
    NSLog(@"Login successful");
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *msg) {
    NSLog(@"Login failed");

    Step 2. Build the conversation list UI

    To build the conversation list UI, you only need to create a TUIConversationListController object. The conversation list reads recent contacts from the database. When a user clicks a contact, TUIConversationListController calls back the didSelectConversation event to the upper layer.
    Sample code:
    Minimalist version
    Classic version
    #import "TUIConversationListController_Minimalist.h"
    // ConversationController is your own ViewController
    @implementation ConversationController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // TUIConversationListController_Minimalist
    TUIConversationListController_Minimalist *vc = [[TUIConversationListController_Minimalist alloc] init];
    vc.delegate = self;
    // Add TUIConversationListController_Minimalist to your own ViewController
    [self addChildViewController:vc];
    [self.view addSubview:vc.view];
    - (void)conversationListController:(TUIConversationListController_Minimalist *)conversationController
    didSelectConversation:(TUIConversationCell *)conversation
    // Conversation list click event, typically, opening the chat UI
    #import "TUIConversationListController.h"
    // ConversationController is your own ViewController
    @implementation ConversationController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // TUIConversationListController
    TUIConversationListController *vc = [[TUIConversationListController alloc] init];
    vc.delegate = self;
    // Add TUIConversationListController to your own ViewController
    [self addChildViewController:vc];
    [self.view addSubview:vc.view];
    - (void)conversationListController:(TUIConversationListController *)conversationController
    didSelectConversation:(TUIConversationCell *)conversation
    // Conversation list click event, typically, opening the chat UI

    Step 3. Build the chat panel

    During chat panel initialization, the upper layer needs to pass in the conversation information of the current chat panel.
    Sample code:
    Minimalist version
    Classic version
    #import "TUIC2CChatViewController_Minimalist.h"
    // ChatViewController is your own ViewController
    @implementation ChatViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Create conversation information
    TUIChatConversationModel *data = [[TUIChatConversationModel alloc] init];
    data.userID = @"userID";
    // Create TUIC2CChatViewController_Minimalist
    TUIC2CChatViewController_Minimalist *vc = [[TUIC2CChatViewController_Minimalist alloc] init];
    [vc setConversationData:data];
    // Add TUIC2CChatViewController to your own ViewController
    [self addChildViewController:vc];
    [self.view addSubview:vc.view];
    TUIC2CChatViewController_Minimalist will automatically pull and display the historical messages of the user.
    #import "TUIC2CChatViewController.h"
    // ChatViewController is your own ViewController
    @implementation ChatViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Create conversation information
    TUIChatConversationModel *data = [[TUIChatConversationModel alloc] init];
    data.userID = @"userID";
    // TUIC2CChatViewController
    TUIC2CChatViewController *vc = [[TUIC2CChatViewController alloc] init];
    [vc setConversationData:data];
    // Add TUIC2CChatViewController to your own ViewController
    [self addChildViewController:vc];
    [self.view addSubview:vc.view];
    TUIC2CChatViewController will automatically pull and display the historical messages of the user.

    Step 4. Build the contacts panel

    The contacts panel does not require other dependencies. You only need to create the object and display it.
    Minimalist version
    Classic version
    #import "TUIContactController_Minimalist.h"
    // ContactController is your own ViewController
    @implementation ContactController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Create TUIContactController_Minimalist
    TUIContactController_Minimalist *vc = [[TUIContactController_Minimalist alloc] init];
    // Add TUIContactController_Minimalist to your own ViewController
    [self addChildViewController:vc];
    [self.view addSubview:vc.view];
    Note: The preceding code only initializes TUIContactController_Minimalist and displays it. For the click actions (such as clicking a friend and adding a friend) on the contacts UI, TUIKit will deliver them to the upper layer for processing through ``TUIContactControllerListener_Minimalist`.
    @protocol TUIContactControllerListener_Minimalist <NSObject>
    - (void)onSelectFriend:(TUICommonContactCell *)cell;
    - (void)onAddNewFriend:(TUICommonTableViewCell *)cell;
    - (void)onGroupConversation:(TUICommonTableViewCell *)cell;
    #import "TUIContactController.h"
    // ContactController is your own ViewController
    @implementation ContactController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Create TUIContactController
    TUIContactController *vc = [[TUIContactController alloc] init];
    // Add TUIContactController to your own ViewController
    [self addChildViewController:vc];
    [self.view addSubview:vc.view];
    Note: The preceding code only initializes TUIContactController and displays it. For the click actions (such as clicking a friend and adding a friend) on the contacts UI, TUIKit will deliver them to the upper layer for processing through TUIContactControllerListener.
    @protocol TUIContactControllerListener <NSObject>
    - (void)onSelectFriend:(TUICommonContactCell *)cell;
    - (void)onAddNewFriend:(TUICommonTableViewCell *)cell;
    - (void)onGroupConversation:(TUICommonTableViewCell *)cell;
    For example, when a user clicks a friend, the friend's profile page will be displayed:
    Minimalist version
    Classic version
    #import "TUIFriendProfileController_Minimalist.h"
    - (void)onSelectFriend:(TUICommonContactCell *)cell
    TUICommonContactCellData *data = cell.contactData;
    // Create the friend's profile
    TUIFriendProfileController_Minimalist *vc = [[TUIFriendProfileController_Minimalist alloc] init];
    vc.friendProfile = data.friendProfile;
    // Display the friend's profile
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:(UIViewController *)vc animated:YES];
    #import "TUIFriendProfileController.h"
    - (void)onSelectFriend:(TUICommonContactCell *)cell
    TUICommonContactCellData *data = cell.contactData;
    // Create the friend's profile
    TUIFriendProfileController *vc = [[TUIFriendProfileController alloc] init];
    vc.friendProfile = data.friendProfile;
    // Display the friend's profile
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:(UIViewController *)vc animated:YES];
    You can download TUIKitDemo source code and view the implementation of more contacts events.

    Step 5. Build the audio/video call feature

    TUI components allow users to start audio/video calls in chat UIs and can be quickly integrated with a few steps:
    Video Call
    Audio Call
    1. Activate the TRTC service
    2. Log in to the Chat console and click the target app card to go to the basic configuration page of the app.
    3. Click Free trial under Activate Tencent Real-Time Communication (TRTC) to activate the 7-day free trial service of TUICallKit.
    4. Click Confirm in the pop-up dialog box. A TRTC app with the same SDKAppID as the Chat app will be created in the TRTC console. You can use the same account and authentication information for Chat and TRTC.
    5. Integrate the TUICallKit component. Add the following content to your Podfile:
    // Integrate the TUICallKit component
    pod 'TUICallKit'
    6. Start and answer a video or audio call
    Starting a Call via a Message Page
    Starting a Call via a Contact Profile Page
    After integrating the TUICallKit component, the chat UI and contact profile UI display the **Video Call** and **Audio Call** buttons by default. When a user clicks either of the buttons, TUIKit automatically displays the call invitation UI and sends the call invitation request to the callee.
    When an online user receives a call invitation, TUIKit automatically displays the call receiving UI, where the user can answer or reject the call.
    When an offline user receives a call invitation and wants to start the app to accept the call, the offline push capability is required. For how to implement offline push, see here.
    7. Add offline push Before using offline push, you need to activate the Chat offline push service. For related app configuration, see Integrating TUIOfflinePush and Running the Offline Push Feature.
    After the configuration is completed, when you click a received audio/video call notification pushed offline, TUICallKit automatically opens the audio/video call invitation UI.
    8. Add value-added capabilities. After TUIChat and TUICallKit are integrated, when you send a voice message on the chat UI, the voice message can be recorded with AI-based noise reduction and automatic gain control. This feature relies on the audio/video call capability of higher-level plans, which is supported in Chat SDK 7.0 and later versions. If the dependent plan expires, voice message recording is switched to the system API. The following compares the voice messages recorded simultaneously using two Huawei P10 phones:
    Voice Message Recorded by the System
    Voice Message with AI-based Noise Reduction and Automatic Gain Control Recorded by TUICallkit

    Third-Party Library Dependency

    The earliest versions of third-party libraries that TUIKit depends on are as follows. If your version is too early, upgrade it to the latest version.
    - Masonry (1.1.0)
    - MJExtension (3.4.1)
    - MJRefresh (3.7.5)
    - ReactiveObjC (3.1.1)
    - SDWebImage (5.18.11):
    - SDWebImage/Core (= 5.18.11)
    - SDWebImage/Core (5.18.11)
    - SnapKit (5.6.0)
    - SSZipArchive (2.4.3)


    What Should I Do If TUICallKit Conflicts with an Audio/Video Library That I Have Integrated?

    Do not integrate different Tencent Cloud audio and video libraries at the same time to prevent symbol conflicts. You can handle it as follows:
    1. If you use the TXLiteAVSDK_TRTC library, no symbol conflict will occur. You can directly add the dependency to the Podfile.
    pod 'TUICallKit'
    2. If you use the TXLiteAVSDK_Professional library, a symbol conflict will occur. You can add the dependency to the Podfile.
    pod 'TUICallKit/Professional'
    3. If you use the TXLiteAVSDK_Enterprise library, a symbol conflict will occur. It is recommended that you upgrade the version to TXLiteAVSDK_Professional and then use TUICallKit/Professional.

    What should I do when I receive the message "target has transitive dependencies that include statically linked binaries"?

    If this error occurs during the pod process, this is because TUIKit is using a third-party static library. You need to comment out use_frameworks! in your Podfile.
    If you need to use use_frameworks!, use CocoaPods 1.9.0 or a later version for pod install and modify it as follows:
    use_frameworks! :linkage => :static
    If you use Swift, change the reference of the header file to the reference format of @import module name.

    How long is the default call invitation timeout duration?

    The default call invitation timeout duration is 30 seconds.

    Will an invitee receive a call invitation immediately if the invitee goes offline and then online within the call invitation timeout duration?

    If the call invitation is started in a one-to-one chat, the invitee can receive the call invitation, and the TUIKit will automatically open the call invitation UI internally.
    If the call invitation is started in a group chat, the TUIKit will automatically pull the call invitations of the last 30 seconds and open the group call UI.

    Common Issues During Integration in Xcode 15:

    1. [Xcodeproj] Unknown Object Version (60). (RuntimeError)

    When you use Xcode 15 to create a project to integrate TUIKit, entering pod install may result in this issue. The reason is that an earlier version of CocoaPods is used. The following two solutions are available:
    Solution 1: Change the Project Format version of the Xcode project.
    Solution 2: Upgrade the local version of CocoaPods. The upgrading method is not covered in this document.
    You can enter pod --version in the terminal to check the current version of Pods.

    2. -ld64 Linker Issue

    Assertion failed: (false && "compact unwind compressed function offset doesn't fit in 24 bits"), function operator(), file Layout.cpp.
    Or when you use XCode 15 to integrate TUIRoom, if the latest linker causes symbol conflicts with TUIRoomEngine, it is an -ld64 linker issue.
    Solution: Modify the linker configuration
    Add "-ld64" to Other Linker Flags in Build Settings to resolve the issue. For more information, see https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/735426.

    3.Rosetta Emulator Issue

    When you use Apple chips (M1/M2 series chips), the issue may arise because third-party libraries (including SDWebImage) do not support xcframework. However, Apple has provided a workaround, which is to enable Rosetta setting on the emulator. Generally, the Rosetta option will pop up automatically during compilation.

    4. Xcode 15 Developer Sandbox Option Issue

    Sandbox: bash(xxx) deny(1) file-write-create
    When using Xcode 15 to create a project, you may encounter compilation failures due to this option. It is recommended that you disable this option.


    Common Issues During CocoaPods Integration:

    1. Pod Dependency Version Mismatch During Remote Integration

    If you use remote Pods integration, and the Podfile.lock file is inconsistent with the version of TUICore that the plugins depend on,
    delete the Podfile.lock file, run **pod repo update ** to update the local code repository, and then run pod update to update it again.

    2. Pod Dependency Version Mismatch During Local Integration

    When you use DevelopPods for integration, if the version of TUICore that the plugins depend on is late but the local Pod dependency version is 1.0.0,
    see Podfile_local and TUICore.spec. The plugin versions must be the same as that in TUICore.spec. In general, we change them to be the same.
    When you use local integration for the first time, it is recommended that you download our sample Demo project, replace the content of Podfile with the content of Podfile_local, and run Pod update for cross-reference.
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