tencent cloud


React Native

Last updated: 2024-01-31 15:52:20

    Feature Description

    The method for sending a message is included in the core class TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().
    It supports sending text, custom, and rich media messages, all of which belong to the V2TimMessage type.
    V2TimMessage can contain different sub-types to indicate different types of messages.

    Key APIs

    The sendMessage (Details) API is the core API for sending a message. It supports sending all types of messages.
    The advanced message sending API mentioned below refers to sendMessage.
    This API is detailed as follows:
    public sendMessage({
    onlineUserOnly = false,
    isExcludedFromLastMessage = false,
    isExcludedFromUnreadCount = false,
    needReadReceipt = false,
    priority = MessagePriorityEnum.V2TIM_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
    }: {
    id: string;
    receiver: string;
    groupID: string;
    onlineUserOnly?: boolean;
    isExcludedFromUnreadCount?: boolean;
    isExcludedFromLastMessage?: boolean;
    needReadReceipt?: boolean;
    offlinePushInfo?: V2TimOfflinePushInfo;
    cloudCustomData?: string;
    localCustomData?: string;
    priority?: MessagePriorityEnum;
    Valid for One-to-One Chat
    Valid for Group Chat
    ID returned after message creation
    Create the message using the `createXxxMessage` API in advance.
    `userID` of the one-to-one message receiver.
    Just specify `receiver` for sending one-to-one chat messages.
    `groupID` of the group chat
    Just specify `groupID` for sending group messages.
    Message priority
    Set a higher priority for important messages (such as those for red packets and gifts) and a lower priority for frequent and unimportant messages (such as those for likes).
    Whether only online users can receive the message.
    If it is set to `true`, the message cannot be pulled by a receiver through historical messages. This is often used to implement weak prompts, such as "The other party is typing..." and unimportant prompts in a group.
    Offline push message
    The title and content carried when a message is pushed offline.
    Whether a read receipt is supported for the sent group message
    Whether a read receipt is supported for the sent group message
    Whether the sent message is counted as the unread message of the conversation
    If it is set to `true`, the sent message is not counted as the unread message of the conversation. It defaults to `false`.
    Whether the sent message is included in the `lastMessage` of the conversation
    If it is set to `true`, the sent message is not included in the `lastMessage` of the conversation. It defaults to `false`.
    Cloud message data
    Extra data of the message that is stored in the cloud and can be accessed by the receiver.
    Local message data
    Extra data of the message that is stored locally. It cannot be accessed by the receiver and will be lost after the application is uninstalled.
    If both groupID and receiver are set, targeted group messages are sent to receiver. For more information, see the Sending a Targeted Group Message section of Flutter.

    Sending Text Messages

    Text messages include one-to-one messages and group messages, which are different in terms of APIs and parameters.
    The ordinary and advanced APIs can be used to send text messages. The latter supports more sending parameters (such as priority and offline push message). The ordinary API is as described below, while the advanced API is sendMessage mentioned above.

    One-to-one text message

    Advanced API

    Take the following two steps to send a one-to-one text message with the advanced API:
    1. Call createTextMessage (Details) to create a text message.
    2. Call sendMessage (Details) to send the message.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    // Create a text message
    const createTextMessage = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createTextMessage("test");
    if(createTextMessage.code == 0){
    String id = createTextMessage.data.id;
    // Send the text message
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "");
    if(sendMessageRes.code == 0){
    // Message sent successfully

    Group text message

    Advanced API

    Take the following two steps to send a group text message with the advanced API:
    1. Call createTextMessage (Details) to create a text message.
    2. Call sendMessage (Details) to send the message.
    Sample code:
    // Create a text message
    const text = "test";
    const atUserList = [];
    const createTextAtMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createTextAtMessage(text, atUserList);
    if(createTextAtMessageRes.code == 0){
    const id = createTextAtMessageRes.data.id;
    // Send the text message
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "", groupID: "groupID");
    if(sendMessageRes.code == 0){
    // Message sent successfully

    Sending Custom Messages

    Custom messages include one-to-one messages and group messages, which are different in terms of APIs and parameters. Custom messages can be sent with ordinary and advanced APIs. The advanced API is sendMessage (Details) mentioned above, which supports more sending parameters (such as priority and offline push message) than the ordinary API.

    Custom one-to-one message

    Advanced API

    Take the following two steps to send a custom one-to-one message with the advanced API:
    1. Call createCustomMessage (Details) to create a custom message.
    2. Call sendMessage (Details) to send the message.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    // Create a custom message
    const createCustomMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createCustomMessage(
    data: 'Custom data',
    desc: 'Custom desc',
    extension: 'Custom extension',
    if(createCustomMessageRes.code == 0){
    const id = createCustomMessageRes.data.id;
    // Send the custom message
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "");
    if(sendMessageRes.code == 0){
    // Message sent successfully

    Custom group message

    Advanced API

    Take the following two steps to send a custom group message with the advanced API:
    1. Call createCustomMessage (Details) to create a custom message.
    2. Call sendMessage (Details) to send the message.
    Sample code:
    // Create a custom message
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    // Create a custom message
    const createCustomMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createCustomMessage(
    data: 'Custom data',
    desc: 'Custom desc',
    extension: 'Custom extension',
    if(createCustomMessageRes.code == 0){
    const id = createCustomMessageRes.data.id;
    // Send the custom message
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "", groupID: "groupID");
    if(sendMessageRes.code == 0){
    // Message sent successfully

    Sending Rich Media Messages

    A rich media message can be sent only with the advanced API in the following steps:
    1. Call createXxxMessage to create a rich media message object of a specified type, where Xxx indicates the specific message type.
    2. Call sendMessage(Details) to send the message.
    3. Get the callback for message sending success or failure.

    Image message

    To create an image message, you need to get the path of a local image first. During message sending, the image is uploaded to the server, and the upload progress is called back. The message is sent after the image is uploaded successfully.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    const imagePath = 'The absolute path of the local image';
    const createImageMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createImageMessage(imagePath);
    if (createImageMessageRes.code == 0) {
    const id = createImageMessageRes.data.id;
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin
    .sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "groupID");
    if (sendMessageRes.code == 0) {
    // Message sent successfully

    Audio message

    To create an audio message, you need to get the path and audio duration of a local audio file first, where the audio duration is for display on the receiver UI. During message sending, the audio is uploaded to the server, and the upload progress is called back. The message is sent after the audio is uploaded successfully.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    const soundPath = 'The absolute path of the local audio file';
    const duration = 10; // The audio duration
    const createSoundMessageRes =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createSoundMessage(
    duration// The audio duration
    if (createSoundMessageRes.code == 0) {
    const id = createSoundMessageRes.data.id;
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin
    .sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "groupID");
    if (sendMessageRes.code == 0) {
    // Message sent successfully

    Video message

    To create a video message, you need to get the path, video duration, and video thumbnail of a local video file first, where the video duration and thumbnail are for display on the receiver UI. During message sending, the video is uploaded to the server, and the upload progress is called back. The message is sent after the video is uploaded successfully.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    const videoFilePath = 'The absolute path of the local video file';
    const type = "mp4"; // The video type
    const duration = 10; // The video duration
    const snapshotPath = "The absolute path of the local video thumbnail file";
    const createVideoMessageRes =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    type, // The video type
    duration,// The video duration
    if (createVideoMessageRes.code == 0) {
    const id = createVideoMessageRes.data.id;
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin
    .sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "groupID");
    if (sendMessageRes.code == 0) {
    // Message sent successfully

    File message

    To create a file message, you need to get the path of a local file first. During message sending, the file is uploaded to the server, and the upload progress is called back. The message is sent after the file is uploaded successfully.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    filePath: "The absolute path of the local file",
    const fileName = "Filename";
    const createFileMessageRes =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    if (createFileMessageRes.code == 0) {
    const id = createFileMessageRes.data.id;
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin
    .sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "groupID");
    if (sendMessageRes.code == 0) {
    // Message sent successfully

    Location message

    To send a location message, the corresponding latitude and longitude information is sent. This type of message requires a map control for display.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    const desc = "Shennan Boulevard, Nanshan District, Shenzhen"
    const longitude = 34;
    const latitude = 20;
    const createLocationMessage =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    desc,// The location info summary
    longitude,// The longitude
    latitude, // The latitude
    if (createLocationMessage.code == 0) {
    const id = createLocationMessage.data.id;
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin
    .sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "groupID");
    if (sendMessageRes.code == 0) {
    // Message sent successfully

    Emoji message

    To send an emoji message, the corresponding emoji code is sent and then converted into the icon in the receiver.
    Sample code:
    const createFaceMessageRes =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    if (createFaceMessageRes.code == 0) {
    const id = createFaceMessageRes.data.id;
    const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin
    .sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "groupID");
    if (sendMessageRes.code == 0) {
    // Message sent successfully
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