tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-02-06 17:58:24

    Feature Description

    A community is a large group of people brought together by common topics, and multiple topics can be created under the same community based on different interests. Community groups are used to manage group members. All topics under the same community group are shared among members, who can send and receive messages within each topic independently. See use cases of community groups here.
    Community and topic management APIs are in the TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getGroupManager() core class.
    Topic message APIs are in the TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager() core class.
    This feature is supported by Flutter SDK v4.0.0 or later. To use it, you need to purchase the Ultimate edition, go to the console, choose Feature Configuration > Group configuration > Group feature configuration > Community, and enable the community feature.

    Community Group Management

    Creating a community group

    You need to perform two steps to create a community group that supports topics:
    1. Create the V2TIMGroupInfo object (Details) and set groupType to Community and isSupportTopic to true/YES.
    2. Call the createGroup (Details) API to create the community group.
    Sample code:
    // Create a topic-enabled community
    groupManager.createGroup(groupType: "Community", groupName: "Community",isSupportTopic: true);

    Getting the list of community groups joined

    You can call getJoinedCommunityList(Details) to get the list of community groups joined.
    Sample code:
    // Getting the list of community groups joined
    V2TimValueCallback<List<V2TimGroupInfo>> groupList = await groupManager.getJoinedCommunityList();

    Other management APIs

    Other features can be used in the same way as an ordinary group feature and involve the following APIs:
    Community group management
    joinGroup (dart)
    quitGroup (dart)
    dismissGroup (dart)
    getGroupsInfo (dart)
    setGroupInfo (dart)
    Community group member management
    getGroupMemberList (dart)
    getGroupMembersInfo (dart)
    setGroupMemberInfo (dart)
    kickGroupMember (dart)

    Topic Management

    Multiple topics can be created under the same community group. All the topics are shared among group members, who can send and receive messages within each topic independently.
    To use the feature, you need to go to the console, choose Feature Configuration > Group configuration > Group feature configuration > Community, enable the community feature and then enable the topic feature.

    Creating a topic

    You need to perform two steps to create a topic:
    1. Create a V2TIMTopicInfo (Details) object.
    2. Call the createTopicInCommunity (Details) API to create a topic.
    Sample code:
    // Create a topic
    groupManager.createTopicInCommunity(groupID: "groupID", topicInfo: V2TimTopicInfo.fromJson({

    Deleting a topic

    You can call the deleteTopicFromCommunity(Details) API to delete a topic.
    Sample code:
    // Delete a topic
    groupManager.deleteTopicFromCommunity(groupID: "",topicIDList:["topicID"]);

    Modifying topic information

    You need to perform two steps to modify the information of a topic:
    1. Create a V2TIMTopicInfo (Details) object and modify fields as needed.
    2. Call the setTopicInfo (Details) API to modify topic information.
    Sample code:
    // Modify topic information

    Getting the topic list

    You can call the getTopicInfoList (Details) API to get the topic list.
    If topicIDList is an empty array, the list of all topics of the community group will be got.
    If topicIDList is the ID of specified topics, the list of the specified topics will be got.
    Sample code:
    // Get the topic list
    groupManager.getTopicInfoList(groupID: "",topicIDList: ['topicID']);

    Topic groups

    The community is a new powerful tool for entertainment collaboration and supports the community-group-topic hierarchy to isolate messages.
    The customInfo of a community saves the topic group list of the community, while the customString field of each topic stores the topic group.
    When a community is loaded, the customInfo field for the topic group list of the community (group) is used to display the group list. We recommend you store the field in the List<String> format.
    To get the topics in each group, traverse the topic list and get the group of each topic through the customString of V2TimTopicInfo.
    You can customize the key value of the customInfo field for the topic group list of the community (group). The following sample code names it topic_category.

    Getting the list of groups in the community

    Call the getCommunityCategoryList(String groupID) method. Sample code:
    getCommunityCategoryList(String groupID) async {
    final Map<String, String>? customInfo = await getCommunityCustomInfo(groupID);
    if(customInfo != null){
    final String? categoryListString = customInfo["topic_category"];
    if(categoryListString != null && categoryListString.isNotEmpty){
    return jsonDecode(categoryListString);
    Future<Map<String, String>?> getCommunityCustomInfo(String groupID) async {
    V2TimValueCallback<List<V2TimGroupInfoResult>> res =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    .getGroupManager().getGroupsInfo(groupIDList: [groupID]);
    if(res.code != 0){
    final V2TimGroupInfoResult? groupInfo = res.data?[0];
    if(groupInfo != null){
    Map<String, String>? customInfo = groupInfo.groupInfo?.customInfo;
    return customInfo;
    return null;

    Configuring the group list for the community

    You just need to modify the customInfo in groupInfo. Here is a Map, and the key value is the name of the field for the topic group list you defined.
    The getCommunityCustomInfo method is implemented in the above section. Sample code:
    setCommunityCategoryList(String groupID, String groupType, List<String> newCategoryList) async {
    final Map<String, String>? customInfo = await getCommunityCustomInfo(groupID);
    customInfo?["topic_category"] = jsonEncode(newCategoryList);
    .setGroupInfo(info: V2TimGroupInfo(
    customInfo: customInfo,
    groupID: groupID,
    groupType: groupType,
    // ...Other profiles

    Adding a topic to a group

    It is recommended that you pass in JSON strings into V2TimTopicInfo customString. For example, the recommended format for categoryName in the code below is {"category":"Group 1"}.
    Sample code:
    addCategoryForTopic(String groupID, String categoryName) {
    topicInfo: V2TimTopicInfo(
    customString: categoryName
    groupID: groupID, // Group ID of the topic

    Getting the topic group

    Use the customString after getting the topic list.

    Listening for topic callbacks

    In V2TIMGroupListener (Details), topic related callback methods onTopicCreated, onTopicDeleted, and onTopicInfoChanged are added for topic event listening.
    Sample code:
    V2TIMGroupListener v2TIMGroupListener = new V2TIMGroupListener() {
    onTopicCreated(String groupID, String topicID) {
    // Listen for topic creation notifications
    onTopicDeleted(String groupID, List<String> topicIDList) {
    // Listen for topic deletion notifications
    onTopicInfoChanged(String groupID, V2TIMTopicInfo topicInfo) {
    // Listen for topic information update notifications

    Topic Messages

    Topic messages can be used in the same way as ordinary messages and involve the following APIs:
    Sends a message
    sendMessage (dart)
    Set `groupID` to the topic ID.
    Receives a message
    `onRecvNewMessage` method in `V2TIMAdvancedMsgListener` (dart)
    Set `groupID` in the message to the topic ID.
    Marks a message as read
    markGroupMessageAsRead (dart)
    Set `groupID` to the topic ID.
    Gets historical messages
    getGroupHistoryMessageList (dart)
    Set `groupID` to the topic ID.
    Recalls a message
    revokeMessage (dart)
    Set `groupID` to the topic ID.
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