tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-01-31 16:13:51


    This feature enables any member in a conversation to modify a successfully sent message in the conversation. The message will be synced to all the members in the conversation once modified successfully.
    This feature is supported only on native SDK 6.2.2363 or later.

    Modifying a Message

    A conversation participant can call the MsgModifyMessage API (details) to modify a sent message in the conversation. The Chat SDK allows any conversation participant to modify a message in the conversation. You can add more restrictions at the business layer, for example, only allowing the message sender to modify the message.
    Currently, the following information of a message can be modified:
    message_custom_str (Details)
    message_custom_int (Details)
    message_cloud_custom_str (Details)
    kTIMElem_Text (Details)
    kTIMElem_Custom (Details)
    Sample code:
    originMessage.message_cloud_custom_str = "change data";
    TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.MsgModifyMessage(originMessage, (int code, string desc, string json_param, string user_data)=>{
    // Async result of the message modification

    Listening for a Message Modification Callback

    If you have added an event listener for message modification callbacks via the SetMsgUpdateCallback API, when a message in a conversation is modified, all participants of the conversation will receive the MsgUpdateCallback (details) callback, which contains the modified message objects.
    Sample code:
    TencentIMSDK.SetMsgUpdateCallback((List<Message> message_list, string user_data) => {
    // `message_list` is the list of modified message objects.
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