tencent cloud


React Native

Last updated: 2024-04-11 15:04:18
    This document describes how to quickly run the Tencent Cloud Chat demo for React Native.

    Environment Requirements

    React Native
    v0.63.4 or later
    Android Studio 3.5 or later; devices with Android 4.1 or later for apps
    Xcode 11.0 or later. Ensure that your project has a valid developer signature.


    You have signed up for a Tencent Cloud account and completed identity verification.

    Part 1. Creating Test Accounts

    In the Chat console, select your application and click Auxiliary Tools > UserSig Generation & Verification on the left sidebar. Enter two UserIDs and generate UserSig values, and copy the UserID, Key, and UserSig for subsequent logins.
    This account is for development and testing only. Before the application is launched, the correct UserSig distribution method is to use the server to generate UserSig and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see Generating UserSig.

    Part 2. Integrating the SDK for React Native


    You have created or already have a React Native project.


    Installing the Chat SDK

    Run the following command to install the latest version of the Chat SDK for React Native:
    // npm
    npm install react-native-tim-js
    // yarn
    yarn add react-native-tim-js

    Initializing the SDK

    Call initSDK to initialize the SDK and pass in your sdkAppID.
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin, LogLevelEnum } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    const sdkAppID = 0; // Replace 0 with the SDKAppID of your Chat application when integrating
    const loglevel = LogLevelEnum.V2TIM_LOG_DEBUG; // Log
    const listener = {
    onConnecting: () => {
    In this step, you can mount some listeners to the Chat SDK, mainly including those for network status and user information change. For more information, see Interface V2TimSDKListener.Log in with a test account initially generated in the console for verification.

    Logging in with a test account

    Call TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.login to log in with one of the test accounts you created. If the returned `res.code` is 0, login is successful.
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    const res = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.login(
    userID: userID,
    userSig: userSig,
    This account is for development and testing only. Before the application is launched, the correct UserSig distribution method is to integrate the calculation code of UserSig into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see Generating UserSig.

    Sending messages

    The following shows how to send a text message:
    1. Call createTextMessage(String) to create a text message.
    2. Get the message ID from the returned value.
    3. Call sendMessage() and pass in the message ID. For receiver, you can pass in the ID of the other test account. groupID can be left empty.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';
    const createMessage =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    .createTextMessage("The text to create");
    const id = createMessage.data!.id!; // The message creation ID
    const res = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    id: id, // Pass in the message creation ID
    receiver: "The userID of the destination user",
    groupID: "The groupID of the destination group",
    If sending fails, it may be that your sdkAppID doesn't support sending messages to strangers. In this case, you can disable the relationship check feature in the console.

    Obtaining the conversation list

    Log in with the other test account to pull the conversation list.
    The conversation list can be obtained in two ways:
    1. Listen for the persistent connection callback to update the conversation list in real time.
    2. Call an API to get the conversation list at certain time points.
    Common use cases include:
    Get the conversation list upon application start and listen for the persistent connection to update the conversation list in real time.
    Requesting the conversation at certain time points
    To get the conversation list, you need to maintain nextSeq and record its current position.
    import { useState } from "react";
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from "react-native-tim-js";
    const [nextSeq, setNextSeq] = useState<string>("0");
    const getConversationList = async () => {
    const count = 10;
    const res = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    .getConversationList(count, nextSeq);
    setNextSeq(res.data?.nextSeq ?? "0");
    At this point, you can see the message sent by the other test account in the previous step.
    Listening for the persistent connection to get the conversation list in real time
    Mount listeners to the SDK, process the callback event, and update the UI.
    1. Mount listeners.
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from "react-native-tim-js";
    const addConversationListener = () => {
    onNewConversation: (conversationList) => {
    // new conversation created callback
    onConversationChanged: (conversationList) => {
    // conversation changed callback
    2. Process the callback event and display the latest conversation list on the UI.
    const _onConversationListChanged = (list) => {
    // you can use conversation list to update UI

    Receiving messages

    Messages can be received with the Chat SDK for React Native in two ways:
    1. Listen for the persistent connection callback to get message changes and update and render the historical message list in real time.
    2. Call an API to get the message history at certain time points.
    Common use cases include:
    1. After a new conversation is opened on the UI, request and display a certain number of historical messages.
    2. Listen for the persistent connection callback to receive messages in real time and add them to the message list.
    Requesting the historical message list at certain time points
    To avoid affecting the pull speed, we recommend you limit the number of messages to be pulled per page to 20.
    You need to dynamically record the current number of pages for the next request.
    Sample code:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from "react-native-tim-js";
    const getGroupHistoryMessageList = async () => {
    const groupID = "";
    const count = 20;
    const lastMsgID = "";
    const res = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    .getGroupHistoryMessageList(groupID, count, lastMsgID);
    const msgList = res.data ?? [];
    // here you can use msgList to render your message list
    Listening for the persistent connection to get new messages in real time
    After the historical message list is initialized, new messages are from the persistent connection V2TimAdvancedMsgListener.onRecvNewMessage.
    After the onRecvNewMessage callback is triggered, you can add new messages to the historical message list as needed.
    Sample code for binding a listener:
    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from "react-native-tim-js";
    const adVancesMsgListener = {
    onRecvNewMessage: (newMsg) => {
    /// ... other listeners related to message
    const addAdvancedMsgListener = () => {
    At this point, you have completed the Chat module development, and now users can send and receive messages and enter different conversations. You can develop more features, such as group, user profile, relationship chain, offline push, and local search. For detailed directions, see here.


    What should I do if Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 [duplicate] is reported during demo running?

    See here.
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