tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-01-31 16:11:48

    Feature Description

    You can merge and forward messages as provided by WeChat in the following steps:
    1. Create a merged message based on the list of original messages.
    2. Send the merged message to the receiver.
    3. The receiver receives the merged message and parses the list of original messages.
    The title and digest are needed to display the merged message, as shown below:
    Merge and Forward
    Display of Merged Message
    Click Merged Message to Download Message List for Display

    Merging and Forwarding Messages

    Creating and sending a merged message

    A merged message can be created by setting the message list along with the merged message title and digest. The process is as follows:
    1. Call the createMergerMessage API (Details) to create a merged message. The list of original messages as well as the merged message title and digest also need to be set.
    List of IDs of original messages
    List of IDs of original messages to be merged and forwarded
    Title of the merged message, such as "Chat History of xixiyah and Hello" as shown above
    Digest list
    Digest list of the merged message as shown above. The original message digests need to be displayed for the merged message, which will be unfolded after the user clicks the cell.
    Compatibility text message
    If the early SDK version does not support the merged message, the user will receive a text message with the content compatibleText by default.
    Sample code for creating and sending a merged message:
    // List of messages to be forwarded, which can contain merged messages but not group tips
    V2TimValueCallback<V2TimMsgCreateInfoResult> createMergerMessageResult =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    msgIDList: ["msgid1", "msgid2"],
    title: "Chat History of user1 and user2", // Title of the merged message
    abstractList: ["user1:hello", "user2:hello"], // Digest list of the merged message
    compatibleText: "The current version does not support the message", // Compatibility text of the merged message. If the early SDK version does not support the merged message, the user will receive a text message with the content `compatibleText` by default.
    if (createMergerMessageResult.code == 0) {
    id: createMergerMessageResult.data.id,
    receiver: "",
    groupID: "",

    Receiving a merged message

    Adding a listener

    The receiver calls addAdvancedMsgListener (Details) to add the advanced message listener. We recommend it be called early, such as after the chat page is initialized, to ensure timely message receiving in the application.
    Sample code:
    .addAdvancedMsgListener(listener: listener);

    Parsing a message

    After the listener is added, the receiver will receive the merged message V2TimMessage in onRecvNewMessage. You can use the merged message element V2TimMergerElem (Details) to get the title and abstractList for UI display. Then, when the user clicks the merged message, you can call the downloadMergerMessage API (Details) to download the merged message list for UI display.
    Sample code:
    if(message.elemType == MessageElemType.V2TIM_ELEM_TYPE_MERGER){
    V2TimValueCallback<List<V2TimMessage>> download = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().downloadMergerMessage(msgID: message.msgID,);
    if(download.code == 0){
    List<V2TimMessage> messageList = download.data;

    Forwarding Messages One by One

    To forward a single message, create a message identical to the original message through the createForwardMessage API (Details) first, and then call the sendMessage API (Details) to send the message.
    Sample code:
    // Create a message with the same elements as the original message
    V2TimValueCallback<V2TimMsgCreateInfoResult> createForwardMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createForwardMessage(msgID: "msgid");
    // Send the message to the user `denny`
    if(createForwardMessageRes.code == 0){
    TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().sendMessage(id: createForwardMessageRes.data.id, receiver: "denny", groupID: "");
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