tencent cloud


SDK for Python

Last updated: 2022-06-24 16:07:44

    VOD provides an SDK for Python for uploading videos from a server. For more information on the upload process, please see Guide.

    Integration Methods

    Installing by using pip

    pip install vod-python-sdk

    Installing through source package

    If pip is not used in your project, you can directly download the source code and import it into the project:

    Download the latest code and decompress:

    $ cd vod-python-sdk
    $ python setup.py install

    Simple Video Upload

    Initializing upload object

    Initialize a VodUploadClient instance with a TencentCloud API key.

    from qcloud_vod.vod_upload_client import VodUploadClient
    client = VodUploadClient("your secretId", "your secretKey")

    Constructing upload request object

    from qcloud_vod.model import VodUploadRequest
    request = VodUploadRequest()
    request.MediaFilePath = "/data/file/Wildlife.mp4"

    Calling upload method

    Call the upload method and pass in the access point region and upload request.

       response = client.upload("ap-guangzhou", request)
    except Exception as err:
       # Handle business exception

    The upload method automatically selects simple upload or multipart upload based on the file size, eliminating your need to take care of every step in multipart upload.

    Advanced Features

    Uploading cover

    from qcloud_vod.vod_upload_client import VodUploadClient
    from qcloud_vod.model import VodUploadRequest
    client = VodUploadClient("your secretId", "your secretKey")
    request = VodUploadRequest()
    request.MediaFilePath = "/data/file/Wildlife.mp4"
    request.CoverFilePath = "/data/file/Wildlife-Cover.png"
       response = client.upload("ap-guangzhou", request)
    except Exception as err:
       # Handle business exception

    Specifying task flow

    First, create a task flow template and name it. When initiating the task flow, you can set the Procedure parameter with the task flow template name, and the task flow will be executed automatically upon upload success.

    from qcloud_vod.vod_upload_client import VodUploadClient
    from qcloud_vod.model import VodUploadRequest
    client = VodUploadClient("your secretId", "your secretKey")
    request = VodUploadRequest()
    request.MediaFilePath = "/data/file/Wildlife.mp4"
    request.Procedure = "Your Procedure Name"
       response = client.upload("ap-guangzhou", request)
    except Exception as err:
       # Handle business exception

    Uploading to subapplication

    Pass in a subapplication ID. After the upload is successful, the resource will belong only to the specified subapplication.

    from qcloud_vod.vod_upload_client import VodUploadClient
    from qcloud_vod.model import VodUploadRequest
    client = VodUploadClient("your secretId", "your secretKey")
    request = VodUploadRequest()
    request.MediaFilePath = "/data/file/Wildlife.mp4"
    request.SubAppId = 101
       response = client.upload("ap-guangzhou", request)
    except Exception as err:
       # Handle business exception

    Specifying storage region

    In the console, confirm that the target storage region has been activated. If not, you can do so as instructed in Upload Storage Settings and then set the abbreviation of the storage region through the StorageRegion attribute.

    from qcloud_vod.vod_upload_client import VodUploadClient
    from qcloud_vod.model import VodUploadRequest
    client = VodUploadClient("your secretId", "your secretKey")
    request = VodUploadRequest()
    request.MediaFilePath = "/data/file/Wildlife.mp4"
    request.StorageRegion = "ap-chongqing"
       response = client.upload("ap-guangzhou", request)
    except Exception as err:
       # Handle business exception

    Specifying the number of concurrent parts

    The number of concurrent parts is applicable to uploading a large file in multiple parts simultaneously. The advantage of multipart upload lies in that a large file can be uploaded quickly. The SDK automatically selects simple upload or multipart upload based on the file size, eliminating your need to take care of every step in multipart upload. The number of concurrent parts of the file is specified by the ConcurrentUploadNumber parameter.

    from qcloud_vod.vod_upload_client import VodUploadClient
    from qcloud_vod.model import VodUploadRequest
    client = VodUploadClient("your secretId", "your secretKey")
    request = VodUploadRequest()
    request.MediaFilePath = "/data/file/Wildlife.mp4"
    request.ConcurrentUploadNumber = 5
       response = client.upload("ap-guangzhou", request)
    except Exception as err:
       # Handle business exception

    Uploading with temporary credentials

    Pass in the relevant key information of the temporary credentials to use the temporary credentials for authentication and upload.

    from qcloud_vod.vod_upload_client import VodUploadClient
    from qcloud_vod.model import VodUploadRequest
    client = VodUploadClient("Credentials TmpSecretId", "Credentials TmpSecretKey", "Credentials Token")
    request = VodUploadRequest()
    request.MediaFilePath = "/data/file/Wildlife.mp4"
       response = client.upload("ap-guangzhou", request)
    except Exception as err:
       # Handle business exception

    Uploading adaptive bitstream file

    The adaptive bitstream formats supported by this SDK for upload include HLS and DASH, and the media files referenced by the manifest (M3U8 or MPD) must be relative paths (i.e., URLs and absolute paths cannot be used) and be located in the same-level directory or subdirectory of manifest (i.e., ../ cannot be used). When calling the SDK's upload APIs, enter the manifest path as the MediaFilePath parameter, and the SDK will parse the list of related media files and upload them together.

    from qcloud_vod.vod_upload_client import VodUploadClient
    from qcloud_vod.model import VodUploadRequest
    client = VodUploadClient("your secretId", "your secretKey")
    request = VodUploadRequest()
    request.MediaFilePath = "/data/file/prog_index.mp4"
      response = client.upload("ap-guangzhou", request)
    except Exception as err:
      # Handle business exception

    API Description

    Upload client class VodUploadClient:

    Attribute Name Attribute Description Type Required
    secretId TencentCloud API key ID. String Yes
    secretKey TencentCloud API key. String Yes

    Upload request class VodUploadRequest:

    Attribute Name Attribute Description Type Required
    MediaFilePath Path of the media file to be uploaded, which must be a local path and does not support URLs. String Yes
    SubAppId ID of subapplication in VOD. If you need to access a resource in a subapplication, enter the subapplication ID in this field; otherwise, leave it empty. Integer No
    MediaType Type of the media file to be uploaded. For the valid values, please see Overview of media upload. If the MediaFilePath path contains a file extension, this parameter can be left empty. String No
    MediaName Name of the media file after being uploaded. If this parameter is left empty, the filename in MediaFilePath will be used by default. String No
    CoverFilePath Path of the cover file to be uploaded, which must be a local path and does not support URLs. String No
    CoverType Type of the cover file to be uploaded. For the valid values, please see Overview of media upload. If the CoverFilePath path contains a file extension, this parameter can be left empty. String No
    Procedure Name of the task flow to be automatically executed after upload is completed. This parameter is specified when the task flow is created through the API or console. For more information, please see Task Flow. String No
    ExpireTime Expiration time of media file in ISO 8601 format. For more information, please see the notes on ISO date format. String No
    ClassId Category ID, which is used to categorize the media for management. A category can be created, and its ID can be obtained by using the CreateClass API. Integer No
    SourceContext Source context of up to 250 characters, which is used to pass through the user request information and will be returned by the upload callback API. String No
    StorageRegion Storage region, which specifies the region where to store the file. This field should be filled in with a region abbreviation. String No
    ConcurrentUploadNumber Number of concurrent parts, which is valid when a large file is uploaded in multiple parts. Integer No

    Upload response class VodUploadResponse

    Attribute Name Attribute Description Type
    FileId Unique ID of media file. String
    MediaUrl Media playback address. String
    CoverUrl Media cover address. String
    RequestId Unique ID of request. Each request returns a unique ID. The RequestId is required to troubleshoot issues. String

    Upload method VodUploadClient.upload(String region, VodUploadRequest request)

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    region Access point region, i.e., the region where to request a VOD server. This is different from the storage region. For more information, please see the list of supported regions. String Yes
    request Upload request. VodUploadRequest Yes

    Error Codes

    Status Code Description
    InternalError Internal error.
    InvalidParameter.ExpireTime Incorrect parameter value: expiration time.
    InvalidParameterValue.CoverType Incorrect parameter value: cover type.
    InvalidParameterValue.MediaType Incorrect parameter value: media type.
    InvalidParameterValue.SubAppId Incorrect parameter value: subapplication ID.
    InvalidParameterValue.VodSessionKey Incorrect parameter value: VOD session.
    ResourceNotFound The resource does not exist.
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