tencent cloud


Multi-End Upload

Last updated: 2024-07-22 15:08:42


    End users can upload video, audio, and image files to VOD from a client, a server, or via a URL, among other methods. Recorded live sessions can also be uploaded to the VOD automatically.
    Specifically, VOD supports the following upload methods:
    Upload from client
    Upload media files from a client to VOD. VOD offers client-side upload SDKs for iOS, Android, web, and mini programs.
    Upload from server
    Upload media files on a server to VOD. It supports SDKs for various programming languages, including Java, C#, PHP, Python, Node.js, and Go.
    Upload through console
    Upload media files directly from the VOD console after logging in.
    Pull from URL
    Pull media resources on the network to VOD via URL.
    Live recording upload
    Record live media directly to VOD when recording is enabled in CSS.
    Upload through origin server migration tool
    Upload media files from other cloud vendors to VOD through a tool provided by VOD.
    The upload methods of VOD cover almost all media sources, so you can upload files from any source.

    Use Cases

    Upload from client
    In UGC and PGC scenarios, most media files are created by general users. After a user creates content using a device like their mobile phone or PC, the user can upload the media on the client to VOD.
    Upload from server
    Large video portals or platforms that own the copyright of their media usually store media on their own servers. In this case, they can upload the media files on their servers to VOD in batches.
    Upload through console
    If you want to upload a local media file on your PC, you can quickly upload it from the console.
    Pull from URL
    If the video you want to upload is already available on the network, you can upload it to VOD directly using the media URL of the video.
    Upload through origin server migration tool
    If you want to migrate all existing videos from another cloud vendor or migrate a large number of videos from local storage, you can use the origin server migration tool to upload them to VOD.


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