Package Types
VOD packages are resource-specific prepaid packages that can only deduct your usage of the corresponding resources.
| Gives you a certain storage capacity each day for one year. Different ratios are applied to storage usage outside the Chinese mainland. |
| Deducts your usage of the acceleration service based on the traffic consumed. Usage outside the Chinese mainland is deducted at different ratios. |
| Deducts your usage of VOD's general transcoding, adaptive bitrate streaming, and video editing services based on the duration. The same deduction ratio applies to all regions. |
| Deducts your usage of TSC transcoding based on the transcoding duration. The same deduction ratio applies to all regions. |
| Deducts your usage of VOD's moderation service based on the duration. The same deduction ratio applies to all regions. |
The conversion factor for units of traffic is 1,000. For example, 1 TB = 1,000 GB.
A package becomes valid immediately after purchase and expires one year later. Expired packages cannot be used for deduction.
Your usage each day will be deducted by your packages first. The additional usage will be billed at pay-as-you-go rates. To avoid service suspension caused by overdue payments, please pay attention to your package balance and buy new packages or top up your account in a timely manner. You can buy multiple packages. The one that was purchased first will be used first.
If you have multiple packages, their validity periods will not be added up.
VOD’s packages can only deduct usage of the corresponding VOD services.
Traffic packages and storage packages deduct usage outside the Chinese mainland at different ratios.
Daily billing: Fees each day are billed between 12:00 and 18:00 the following day.Resource packages purchased on the same day can only be used to offset the usage on that day and after, and cannot be used to offset the billing amount of the previous day.
Example: If a resource package is purchased on May 3, 2021, and the daily billing bill for May 3, 2021 is issued on May 4, 2021, the remaining amount of the resource package can be deducted, but it cannot be used to offset the daily billing bill for May 2, 2021 issued on May 3, 2021.
Month billing: Fees each month are billed within the first three days of the following month. As long as a package is purchased before the billing time, it can be used to deduct usage for the previous month.
To view the packages you have purchased and their balance, log in to the console as the admin and go to Package Management. Storage Packages
A VOD storage package gives you a certain storage capacity each day. The storage capacity of multiple packages is added up. As long as your peak storage usage for a day doesn't exceed the total storage capacity, no additional fees will be incurred. Otherwise, the additional usage will be billed at pay-as-you-go rates. To learn more, see Billing Examples. About deduction: Usage inside and outside the Chinese mainland is deducted at a ratio of 1:1 and 1:1.2 respectively. Usage inside the Chinese mainland is deducted first.
Storage package - 10 GB | 1.36 |
Storage package - 50 GB | 6.83 |
Storage package - 100 GB | 13.52 |
Storage package - 500 GB | 66.9 |
Storage package - 1 TB | 133.66 |
Storage package - 5 TB | 654.94 |
Storage package - 10 TB | 1308.49 |
Storage package - 50 TB | 6536.86 |
Deduction ratios
The usage ratios of storage packages vary with the type of storage space used. To facilitate calculation, you can convert all other storage usages to STANDARD.
Billing examples
A 100 GB storage package gives you 100 GB of STANDARD storage space or 200 GB of STANDARD_IA storage space each day.
You can use different types of storage space with the same storage package. For example, if you have a 100 GB storage package, you can use 50 GB of STANDARD storage space and 100 GB of STANDARD_IA storage space each day.
Traffic Packages
A VOD traffic package can deduct your usage of VOD's acceleration service. If you have multiple traffic packages, the one that was purchased first will be used first. The system calculates the playback traffic you consume each day and deducts it from your packages. If your actual traffic exceeds the amount available in your packages, the additional usage will be billed at pay-as-you-go rates. About deduction: Usage inside and outside the Chinese mainland is deducted at a ratio of 1:1 and 1:1.8 respectively. Usage inside the Chinese mainland is deducted first.
Traffic package - 10 GB | 0.27 |
Traffic package - 100 GB | 2.66 |
Traffic package - 500 GB | 12.32 |
Traffic package - 1 TB | 24.5 |
Traffic package - 5 TB | 121.66 |
Traffic package - 10 TB | 237.86 |
Traffic package - 50 TB | 1175.86 |
Traffic package - 200 TB | 3079.86 |
Traffic package - 1 PB | 15399.86 |
General Transcoding Packages
A VOD general transcoding package can deduct your usage of general transcoding, adaptive bitrate streaming, and video editing (the same deduction ratio applies to all regions). If you have multiple general transcoding packages, the one that was purchased first will be used first. The system calculates your total transcoding duration each day and deducts the portion that applies from your general transcoding packages. If your actual usage exceeds the amount available in your packages, the additional usage will be billed at pay-as-you-go rates. For details, see Daily Pay-As-You-Go - General transcoding, Daily Pay-As-You-Go - Adaptive bitrate streaming, and Daily Pay-As-You-Go - Video editing. About deduction: Usage inside and outside the Chinese mainland is both deducted at a ratio of 1:1.
General transcoding - 1 hour | 0.13 |
General transcoding - 5 hours | 0.672 |
General transcoding - 100 hours | 12.6 |
General transcoding - 1,000 hours | 120.26 |
General transcoding - 10,000 hours | 839.86 |
General transcoding - 50,000 hours | 3219.86 |
Deduction ratios
The deduction ratios of VOD general transcoding packages vary with the codec used and output resolution.
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| FHD (short side ≤ 1080 px) | |
| 2K (short side ≤ 1440 px) | |
| 4K (short side ≤ 2160 px) | |
| | |
| | |
| FHD (short side ≤ 1080 px) | |
| 2K (short side ≤ 1440 px) | |
| 4K (short side ≤ 2160 px) | |
| Depends on the output resolution. | Depends on the output resolution. |
Billing examples
Suppose the general transcoding feature was used to transcode a video of one minute. The H.264 codec was used and the output resolution was 640 x 480 px. One minute would be deducted from a general transcoding package.
Suppose the general transcoding feature was used to transcode a video of one minute. The H.264 codec was used and the output resolution was 1280 x 720 px. Two minutes would be deducted from a general transcoding package.
For adaptive bitrate streaming, the duration of each output stream is deducted separately according to the codec and output resolution.
The higher the output resolution, the faster your package will be used up.
TSC Transcoding Packages
A VOD TSC transcoding package can deduct your usage of TSC transcoding (the same deduction ratio applies to all regions). If you have multiple TSC transcoding packages, the one that was purchased first will be used first. The system calculates your total TSC transcoding duration each day and deducts it from your TSC transcoding packages. If your packages cannot deduct all your usage, the additional usage will be billed at pay-as-you-go rates. About deduction: Usage inside and outside the Chinese mainland is both deducted at a ratio of 1:1.
TSC transcoding - 2 hours | 0.83 |
TSC transcoding - 50 hours | 20.86 |
TSC transcoding - 100 hours | 41.86 |
TSC transcoding - 1,000 hours | 247.66 |
Deduction ratios
The deduction ratios of VOD TSC transcoding packages vary with the codec used and output resolution.
| | |
| | |
| FHD (short side ≤ 1080 px) | |
| 2K (short side ≤ 1440 px) | |
| 4K (short side ≤ 2160 px) | |
| | |
| | |
| FHD (short side ≤ 1080 px) | |
| 2K (short side ≤ 1440 px) | |
| 4K (short side ≤ 2160 px) | |
Billing examples
Suppose the TSC transcoding feature was used to transcode a video of one minute. The H.264 codec was used and the output resolution was 640 x 480 px. One minute would be deducted from a TSC transcoding package.
Suppose the TSC transcoding feature was used to transcode a video of one minute. The H.264 codec was used and the output resolution was 1280 x 720 px. Two minutes would be deducted from a TSC transcoding package.
The higher the output resolution, the faster your package will be used up.
Moderation Packages
A VOD moderation package can deduct your usage of moderation (the same deduction ratio applies to all regions). If you have multiple moderation packages, the one that was purchased first will be used first. The system calculates your moderation duration each day and deducts it from your moderation packages. If your actual usage exceeds the amount available in your packages, the additional usage will be billed at pay-as-you-go rates. About deduction: Usage inside and outside the Chinese mainland is both deducted at a ratio of 1:1.
Moderation - 1 hour | 0.672 |
Moderation - 5 hours | 3.36 |
Moderation - 100 hours | 65.8 |
Moderation - 1,000 hours | 588 |
Moderation - 10,000 hours | 4704 |
Moderation - 50,000 hours | 22848 |
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