tencent cloud


Video Pull from URL Completion

Last updated: 2023-03-13 11:41:15

    Event Name


    Event Description

    If you have configured event notifications for your application, after a video pull and upload task is completed, your application backend will be notified either by a “normal callback” or a “reliable callback”. For the content of the callback, see PullComplete.


    Normal callback

    In the normal callback mode, your callback URL will receive an HTTP POST request from VOD. The content of the callback is included in the request body, as shown below (fields with null values are omitted):
    "EventType": "PullComplete",
    "PullCompleteEvent": {
    "TaskId": "125676836723-Pull-f5ac8127b3b6b85cdc13f237c6005d8",
    "Status": "FINISH",
    "ErrCode": 0,
    "Message": "SUCCESS",
    "FileId": "14508071098244959037",
    "Name": "Animal World",
    "Description": "",
    "CreateTime": "2019-01-09T16:36:22Z",
    "UpdateTime": "2019-01-09T16:36:24Z",
    "ExpireTime": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z",
    "ClassId": 0,
    "ClassName": "Other",
    "ClassPath": "Other",
    "CoverUrl": "",
    "Type": "mp4",
    "MediaUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/xxx.mp4",
    "TagSet": [ ],
    "StorageRegion": "ap-guangzhou-2",
    "SourceType": "Upload",
    "SourceContext": ""
    "Vid": ""
    "FileUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/xxx.mp4",
    "ProcedureTaskId": "",
    "SessionContext": "",
    "SessionId": ""

    Reliable callback

    In the reliable callback mode, after calling the PullEvents API, you will receive an HTTP response in the following format (fields with null values are omitted):
    "Response": {
    "EventHandle": "EventHandleX",
    "EventType": "PullComplete",
    "PullCompleteEvent": {
    "TaskId": "125676836723-Pull-f5ac8127b3b6b85cdc13f237c6005d8",
    "Status": "FINISH",
    "ErrCode": 0,
    "Message": "SUCCESS",
    "FileId": "14508071098244959037",
    "Name": "Animal World",
    "Description": "",
    "CreateTime": "2019-01-09T16:36:22Z",
    "UpdateTime": "2019-01-09T16:36:24Z",
    "ExpireTime": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z",
    "ClassId": 0,
    "ClassName": "Other",
    "ClassPath": "Other",
    "CoverUrl": "",
    "Type": "mp4",
    "MediaUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/xxx.mp4",
    "TagSet": [ ],
    "StorageRegion": "ap-guangzhou-2",
    "SourceType": "Upload",
    "SourceContext": ""
    "Vid": ""
    "FileUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/xxx.mp4",
    "ProcedureTaskId": "",
    "SessionContext": "",
    "SessionId": ""
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