tencent cloud


Client Upload Acceleration

Last updated: 2024-07-22 15:07:54


    The client upload acceleration feature leverages Tencent Cloud's globally deployed acceleration network to intelligently select the fastest route for file uploads. It supports the QUIC protocol for data transmission, making media uploads more reliable in weak network environments.
    VOD uses the following methods to accelerate video upload from clients.
    Upload data to the nearest edge node
    VOD has deployed edge nodes globally and can route an upload request to the nearest edge node.
    Smart acceleration network
    Leveraging Tencent Cloud's acceleration network, VOD can intelligently select the optimal route to transfer data to the storage center.
    Support for transfer over the QUIC protocol
    The QUIC protocol allows multiplexing and connection migration. It transfers data more efficiently and is more stable under poor network conditions.

    Use Cases

    Long-distance data upload
    Upload performance tends to be poor if an end user is far away from a VOD storage center (for example, if they are located in a different region or continent). With client upload acceleration, Tencent Cloud will route an upload request to its nearest edge node and transfer data over the acceleration network, greatly improving the upload performance.
    Data upload under poor network conditions
    Mobile users may experience unstable network connection and high packet loss due to frequent network changes and weak signal. VOD supports QUIC transmission, which ensures more reliable data transfer under poor network conditions.
    General data upload
    If you do not enable upload acceleration, HTTP 1.1 is used for data transfer, which has a relatively low performance when dealing with a large amount of data. In contrast, the QUIC protocol allows multiplexing and features zero RTT, making it more efficient at transferring data.


    For directions on how to use the feature, see Client Upload Acceleration.
    For the billing details, see Value-Added Services.
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