tencent cloud


Legacy Callback Formats

Last updated: 2021-10-29 12:13:42

    The format of event notifications in VOD was revised in 2019:

    • After the revision, the API format for newly registered users is v3.0 (current format).
    • Users registered before the revision may still be using v2.0 (legacy format).

    This document makes a comparison between callbacks in v2.0 and v3.0 API formats. Before reading this document, please log in to the console, select Products > Video on Demand > Callback Configuration, and confirm on this page:

    • If only Callback URL is visible, your normal callback is already in v3.0 by default, and you don't need to read this document.
    • If callback URLs in both v2.0 API format and v3.0 API format are displayed, that means you are using normal callbacks in v2.0 API format. Please continue reading contents below.

    If you are still using the normal callbacks in v2.0 API format, we recommend you gradually change them to callbacks in v3.0 API format. And the documentation for callbacks in v2.0 API format will no longer be updated.

    The comparison between callbacks in v2.0 and v3.0 API formats is as follows:

    Event Notification v3.0 v2.0
    Video upload completion Link Link
    Video pull from URL completion Link Link
    Video deletion completion Link Link
    Task flow status change Link Link
    Video editing completion Link -
    Video transcoding completion Link Link
    Time point screencapturing completion Link Link
    Image sprite generating completion Link Link
    Video clipping completion Link Link
    Video splicing completion Link Link

    List of AS event notifications in v2.0 API format

    Video upload completion

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Callback version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Callback type, which is always NewFileUpload.
    data.fileId String Unique ID of a file.
    data.fileName String File display name.
    data.coverUrl String File cover address.
    data.fileUrl String File playback address.
    data.author String Author information.
    data.sourceType String File upload source. Valid values: Record (recorder); ClientUpload (upload from client); ServerUpload (upload from server).
    data.sourceContext String Specifies the field for passthrough when uploading. This field currently can contain up to 256 bytes.
    data.streamId String Stream ID, which is only used for upload from recorder.
    data.procedureTaskId String If a specified process is performed after the video is uploaded, this parameter will be the process task ID.
    data.transcodeTaskId String If transcoding is initiated after the video is uploaded, this parameter will be the transcoding task ID.


    "version": "4.0",
    "eventType": "NewFileUpload",
    "data": {
        "fileId": "5285890784273533167",
        "fileName": "Animal World",
        "coverUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/xxx.jpg",
        "fileUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/f0.flv",
        "transcodeTaskId": "transcode-0bee89b07a248e27c83fc3d5951213c1",
        "procedureTaskId": "125676836723-mango-fa2fdf6a0f850d673be119cf51a7603a",
        "sourceType": "Record",
        "sourceContext": "rtmp://54xx.livepush.myqcloud.com/live?bizid=54xx&record=mp4&xx",
        "author": "CCTV recording",
        "streamId": "54xx_45"

    Video pull from URL completion

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Callback version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Callback type, which is always PullComplete.
    data Object Specific callback data.
    data.vodTaskId String Pull upload task ID.
    data.status Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
    data.message String Error message.
    data.fileId String Unique ID obtained after a splicing request is initiated.
    data.fileUrl String URL obtained after video upload is completed.
    data.transcodeTaskId String If transcoding is initiated after the video is uploaded, this parameter will be the transcoding task ID.



    Video deletion completion

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Callback version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Callback type, which is always FileDeleted.
    data.status Integer Return value for a deletion. 0: success; other values: failure.
    data.message String Error message for a deletion.
    data.fileInfo Array Information of a deleted file.
    data.fileInfo.n.fileId String ID of a deleted file.



    Task flow status change

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Event notification version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Event type, which is always ProcedureStateChanged.
    data Object Specific callback data.
    data.status String Task flow status. Valid values: PROCESSING, FINISH.
    data.errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
    data.message String Error message.
    data.fileId String File ID.
    data.metaData Object Video metadata, which must be specified. For more information on this field, please see metaData (Video Metadata).
    data.contentReviewList Array List of content audit results. For more information on this field, please see contentReviewList (Content Audit List).
    data.aIAnalysisList Array List of intelligent analysis results. For more information on this field, please see aIAnalysisList (Intelligent Analysis List).
    data.drm Object File encryption information. This field exists only if you specify encryption in the transcoding control parameters when you initiate a task flow. For more information on this field, please see drm (Video Encryption Information).
    data.processTaskList Array List of tasks contained in a task flow. For more information on this field, please see processTaskList (Task List).
    metaData (video metadata)
    Parameter Name Type Description
    size Integer Video size in bytes.
    container String Container type, such as M4A and MP4.
    bitrate Integer Sum of the average bitrate of the video stream and that of the audio stream in kbps.
    height Integer Maximum height value of a video stream in px.
    width Integer Maximum width value of a video stream in px.
    md5 String MD5 value of a video.
    duration Integer Video duration in seconds.
    rotate Integer Selected angle during video recording in degrees.
    videoStreamList Array Video stream information.
    videoStreamList.bitrate Integer Bitrate of a video stream in kbps.
    videoStreamList.height Integer Height of a video stream in px.
    videoStreamList.width Integer Width of a video stream in px.
    videoStreamList.codec String Encoder of a video stream, such as H.264.
    videoStreamList.fps Integer Frame rate in Hz.
    audioStreamList Array Audio stream information.
    audioStreamList.bitrate Integer Bitrate of an audio stream in kbps.
    audioStreamList.samplingRate Integer Sample rate of an audio stream in Hz.
    audioStreamList.codec String Encoder of an audio stream, such as AAC.
    drm (video encryption information)
    Parameter Name Type Description
    definition Integer Encryption template ID.
    keySource String KMS type, which is always VodBuildInKMS.
    getKeyUrl String URL for getting a decryption key.
    edkList Array List of encrypted data keys.
    contentReviewList (content audit list)

    List of content audit information. Currently, only porn information detection is supported.

    Porn (porn information detection)
    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always Porn.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure. Specifically, 30009: failure due to source file exception; 30010: system failure or unknown failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.definition Integer Porn information detection template ID.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.confidence Float Score of the detected porn information in a video. Value range: 0–100.
    output.suggestion String Suggestion for the detected porn information. Valid values: pass, review, block.
    output.segments Array Video segment that contains the detected porn information.
    output.segments.startTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    output.segments.endTimeOffset Float End time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    output.segments.confidence Float Score of a suspected porn segment.
    output.segments.suggestion Float Suggestion for porn information detection of a suspected segment. Valid values: pass, review, block.
    output.segments.url String URL of a suspected image (which will not be permanently stored and will expire after a certain amount of time).
    output.segments.picUrlExpireTimeStamp Integer Expiration time of a suspected image URL in the format of Unix timestamp.
    aIAnalysisList (intelligent analysis list)

    List of intelligent analysis information. Currently, the following types are available:

    Classification (intelligent categorization)
    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always Classification.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure. Specifically, 30009: failure due to source file exception; 30010: system failure or unknown failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.definition Integer Intelligent categorization template ID.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.classifications Array Category information list.
    output.classifications.classification String Category name.
    output.classifications.confidence Float Categorization confidence.
    Tag (intelligent tagging)
    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always Tag.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure. Specifically, 30009: failure due to source file exception; 30010: system failure or unknown failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.definition Integer Intelligent tagging template ID.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.tags Array Array
    output.tags.tag String Tag name.
    output.tags.confidence Float Tagging confidence.
    processTaskList (task list)

    List of task information. Currently, the following types are available:

    Transcode (transcoding task)
    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always Transcode.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure. Specifically, 30009: failure due to source file exception; 30010: system failure or unknown failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.definition Integer Transcoding template ID.
    input.watermark Integer Whether to set a watermark. 1: yes; 0: no. This depends on your transcoding configuration.
    input.mosaicList Array List of blur masks, where an element is the information of a single blur mask.
    input.mosaicList.width String Blur width.
    input.mosaicList.height String Blur height.
    input.mosaicList.left String Horizontal position of the top-left corner of a blur in a video.
    input.mosaicList.top String Vertical position of the top-left corner of a blur in a video.
    input.mosaicList.startTimeOffset Float Start time of a blur in a video.
    input.mosaicList.endTimeOffset Float End time of a blur in a video.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.url String Video URL.
    output.size Integer Video size in bytes.
    output.container String Container type, such as M4A and MP4.
    output.bitrate Integer Sum of the bitrate of the video stream and that of the audio stream in kbps.
    output.height Integer Maximum height value of a video stream in px.
    output.width Integer Maximum width value of a video stream in px.
    output.md5 String MD5 value of a video.
    output.duration Integer Video duration in seconds.
    output.videoStreamList Array Video stream information, where the element field is the same as the videoStreamList in the metadata.
    output.audioStreamList Array Audio stream information, where the element field is the same as the audioStreamList in the metadata.

    AnimatedGraphics (animated image generating task)

    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always AnimatedGraphics.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure. Specifically, 30009: failure due to source file exception; 30010: system failure or unknown failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.definition Integer Animated image generating template ID.
    input.startTime Integer Start time of an animated image in the video in seconds.
    input.endTime Integer End time of an animated image in the video in seconds.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.url String Animated image URL.
    output.container String Animated image type. Valid values: GIF, WEBP.
    output.fps Integer Frame rate of an animated image in fps.
    output.height Integer Height of an animated image in px.
    output.width Integer Width of an animated image in px.

    SampleSnapshot (sampled screencapturing task)

    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always SampleSnapshot.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure. Specifically, 30009: failure due to source file exception; 30010: system failure or unknown failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.definition Integer Sampled screencapturing template ID.
    input.watermarkDefinition Array List of watermarking template IDs, which is an array of integers.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.imageUrls Array List of URLs of the generated screenshots, which is an array of strings.

    SnapshotByTimeOffset (time point screencapturing task)

    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always SnapshotByTimeOffset.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure. Specifically, 30009: failure due to source file exception; 30010: system failure or unknown failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.definition Integer Time point screencapturing template ID.
    input.timeOffset Array Screencapturing time offsets in milliseconds, which is an array of integers.
    input.watermarkDefinition Array List of watermarking template IDs, which is an array of integers.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.imgInfo Array Information list of the generated screenshots.
    output.imgInfo.timeOffset Integer Time offset of a screenshot in milliseconds.
    output.imgInfo.url String Screenshot URL.

    CoverBySnapshot (cover generating task)

    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always CoverBySnapshot.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure. Specifically, 30009: failure due to source file exception; 30010: system failure or unknown failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.definition Integer Sampled screencapturing template ID.
    input.positionType String Screencapturing mode. Time: screencapture by time point. Percent: screencapture by percentage.
    input.position Integer Screencapturing position. For time point screencapturing, this means to take a screenshot at the specified time point (in seconds) and use it as the cover. For percentage screencapturing, this means to take a screenshot at the specified percentage of the video duration and use it as the cover.
    input.watermarkDefinition Array List of watermarking template IDs, which is an array of integers.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.imageUrl Array URL of the screenshot as cover.

    PullFile (video file pulling task)

    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always PullFile.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task.
    input.url String URL of a video to be pulled.
    input.fileName String Video file name.
    input.md5 Integer MD5 value of a video file.
    output Object Output information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    output.fileId String Video file ID.
    output.fileSize String Video file size.
    output.url String Video file playback address.

    ImageSprites (image sprite generating task)

    Parameter Name Type Description
    taskType String Task type, which is always ImageSprites.
    status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    errCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
    message String Error message.
    input Object Input information of a task, which exists only if the task succeeds.
    input.definition Integer Image sprite generating template ID.
    output Object Output information of a task.
    output.totalCount Integer Total number of subimages in an image sprite.
    output.urlList Array List of URLs of the generated image sprites, which is an array of strings.
    output.webVttUrl String Address of the WebVtt file for the position-time relationship among subimages in an image sprite.



    Video transcoding completion

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Event notification version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Event type, which is always TranscodeComplete.
    data Object Specific callback data.
    data.status Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
    data.message String Error message.
    data.fileId String Transcoded file ID.
    data.vodTaskId String Transcoding task ID.


       "version": "4.0",
       "eventType": "TranscodeComplete",
       "data": {
           "status": 0,
           "message": "",
           "vodTaskId": "Transcode-1edb7eb88a599d05abe451cfc541cfbd",
           "fileId": "14508071098244931831",
           "fileName": "Animal World",
           "duration": 599,
           "coverUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/0/xxx/640",
           "playSet": [
                   "url": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/f0.mp4",
                   "definition": 0,
                   "vbitrate": 246000,
                   "vheight": 480,
                   "vwidth": 640
                   "url": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/f10.mp4",
                   "definition": 10,
                   "vbitrate": 149193,
                   "vheight": 240,
                   "vwidth": 320
                   "url": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/f20.mp4",
                   "definition": 20,
                   "vbitrate": 297656,
                   "vheight": 480,
                   "vwidth": 640
                   "url": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/f30.mp4",
                   "definition": 30,
                   "vbitrate": 899976,
                   "vheight": 960,
                   "vwidth": 1280

    Time point screencapturing completion

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Callback version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Callback type, which is always CreateSnapshotByTimeOffsetComplete.
    data Object Specific callback data.
    data.vodTaskId String Time point screencapturing task ID.
    data.fileId String FileId of a specified time point screenshot.
    data.definition Integer Time point screenshot specification. For more information, please see Parameter Template for Time Point Screencapturing.
    data.picInfo Array Information of a specified time point screenshot.

    Each element in the data.picInfo array is an Object, and the meanings of the parameters are as follows:

    Parameter Name Type Description
    timeOffset Integer Specific time point of a screenshot in milliseconds.
    url String Screenshot file URL.
    status Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.


       "version": "4.0",
       "eventType": "CreateSnapshotByTimeOffsetComplete",
       "data": {
           "vodTaskId": "CreateSnapshotByTimeOffset-1edb7eb88a599d05abe451cfc541cfbd",
           "fileId": "14508071098244929440",
           "definition": 10,
           "picInfo": [
                   "status": 0,
                   "timeOffset": 10000,
                   "url": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/1.png"
                   "status": 0,
                   "timeOffset": 20000,
                   "url": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/2.png"

    Image sprite generating completion

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Callback version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Callback type, which is always CreateImageSpriteComplete.
    data Object Specific callback data.
    data.status Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
    data.message String Error message.
    data.vodTaskId String Image sprite generating task ID.
    data.fileId String FileId of a generated image sprite.
    data.definition Integer Image sprite specification. For more information, please see Image Sprite Generating Template.
    data.totalCount Integer Total number of subimages in an image sprite.
    data.imageSpriteUrl Array Information of a generated image sprite.
    data.webVttUrl String Address of the WebVtt file for the position-time relationship among subimages in an image sprite.



    Video clipping completion

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Callback version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Callback type, which is always ClipComplete.
    data Object Specific callback data.
    data.vodTaskId String Clipping task ID.
    data.srcFileId String FileId of a source file for a clipping task.
    data.fileInfo Object Information of an output video file.

    The specific meanings of the parameters in data.fileInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Name Type Description
    fileType String Type of a clipped file.
    status Integer Error code for this type of files. 0: success; other values: failure.
    message String Error message.
    fileType String fileId of a clipped file.
    fileUrl String URL of a clipped file.


       "version": "4.0",
       "eventType": "ClipComplete",
       "data": {
           "vodTaskId": "clipVideo-0a78cf44c4285026a4c",
           "srcFileId": "16092504232103571364",
           "fileInfo": {
               "fileType": "mp4",
               "status": 0,
               "message": "",
               "fileId": "14508071098244929440",
               "fileUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/f0.mp4"

    Video splicing completion

    Parameter descriptions

    Parameter Name Type Description
    version String Callback version number, which is always 4.0.
    eventType String Callback type, which is always ConcatComplete.
    data Object Specific callback data.
    data.vodTaskId String Splicing task ID.
    data.fileInfo Array Information of a spliced video file.

    Each element in the data.fileInfo array is an Object, and the meanings of the parameters are as follows:

    Parameter Name Type Description
    fileType String Type of a spliced file.
    status Integer Task execution result. 0: success; -1 or 4: failure.
    message String Error message.
    fileId String FileId of a spliced file.
    fileUrl String URL of a spliced file.


       "version": "4.0",
       "eventType": "ConcatComplete",
       "data": {
           "vodTaskId": "Concat-1edb7eb88a599d05abe451cfc541cfbd",
           "fileInfo": [
                   "fileType": "m3u8",
                   "status": 0,
                   "message": "",
                   "fileId": "14508071098244931831",
                   "fileUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/playlist.f6.m3u8"
                   "fileType": "mp4",
                   "status": 0,
                   "message": "",
                   "fileId": "14508071098244929440",
                   "fileUrl": "http://125676836723.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/xxx/f0.mp4"
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