tencent cloud


Playback quality monitoring

Last updated: 2024-09-11 14:41:08
    VOD provides end-to-end playback statistics, quality monitoring, and data visualization capabilities. It supports real-time data reporting, data aggregation, multi-dimensional filtering, and detailed, targeted analysis, helping enterprises monitor their overall operational status and understand user habits and behaviors so as to make informed business decisions and achieve continuous growth.

    Use Limits

    The Playback Quality Monitoring feature is only available when the Tencent VOD Player SDK is used for playback. VOD cannot collect playback statistics from other SDKs.
    The Playback Quality Monitoring feature only works on Tencent VOD resources, that is, videos identified by Tencent VOD file IDs. For other video sources, VOD cannot recognize the corresponding Tencent Cloud user and therefore does not support playback quality monitoring based on file URLs.
    For the web, the version of the Tencent VOD Player SDK (TCPlayer) must be 4.4.0 or later. On mobile, the Tencent VOD Player SDK version must be 9.5.29006 or later. The UGSV SDK and all-in-one SDK will also support playback data collection starting from version 9.6. Please check back later.


    VOD Playback Quality Monitoring is available in Basic and Advanced editions. Their differences are listed in the table below:
    Data Storage Time
    Basic Edition
    3 days
    Advanced Edition
    1 year
    No charge during the trial period. For more details,please see VOD Playback Quality Monitoring Billing.

    Activating the service

    Step 1. Activate the Basic edition

    1. Log in to the VOD console, click Application Management on the left sidebar to enter the application list page.
    2. Find the application for which you want to check playback quality, click the application name to enter the application management page.
    3. In the left sidebar, select Data Center > Playback Quality Monitor.
    4. Read the note and select “I have read and agreed to SDK Privacy Policy and VOD Quality Monitoring and Billing Explanation”.
    5. Click Activate Now. By default, the Basic edition is activated. To upgrade to the Advanced Edition, see Step 2.

    Step 2. Upgrade from Basic to Advanced Edition

    1. In the orange instruction box, click Upgrade to open the Service Upgrade dialog box.
    2. Read the note and select “I have acknowledged and agree to the VOD Playback Quality Monitoring Billing Guidelines”.
    3. Click Confirm to upgrade from Basic to Advanced Edition.
    The Advanced Edition is currently in the trial period and no fees will be charged. The trial period is expected to end on June 30, 2024. We will publish the new billing instructions on our website and notify you via Message Center, SMS, Email, etc. in advance.
    To learn about the data under different tabs, see Metrics. For information on the data query features, see Query Features.


    Playback Overview

    The Playback Overview tab provides data on the total playback count and user number.
    Total playback count
    Total number of plays.
    The calculation is based on playback requests. If a video is paused and resumed, it is only played once.
    Total number of unique users
    Total User Count.
    On mobile, unique users are counted based on device ID, while on web, unique users are counted based on UUID.

    Performance metrics

    Performance metrics help you understand the current SDK service quality.
    Average First Frame Duration
    Average First Frame Duration is the sum of all first frame durations divided by the number of plays. First Frame Duration refers to the time from when the user initiates the play request to the completion of the first frame playback.
    Average Stalling Frequency
    Average Stalling Frequency is the sum of all playback stutter rates divided by the number of plays. Playback stutter rate refers to the ratio of the sum of stuttering durations during a single play to the total playback duration.
    Stuttering is when playback freezes (loading). Video loading caused by progress bar dragging is not considered stuttering.
    Playback Failure Rate
    Proportion of playback failures to total playbacks.
    Playback failures are the number of playback requests for which an error code is returned.

    User Metrics

    User metrics provide insights into user behavior characteristics and viewing habits.
    Average Viewing Duration
    Average video viewing duration per person, which is Total Playback Duration / Total Unique Users.
    Average Playback Count per User
    Average Number of Playback Requests per Person, which is Total Playback Count / Total Unique Users.
    Top 100 Videos by Play Count
    The top 100 video files by playback count. Information including the ranking of a file, file ID, playback count, average playback duration per person, and average playback count per person is provided.

    File Metrics

    File metrics allow you to view the playback status of a single file by specifying the VOD file ID.
    Basic File Information
    Video ID, Video Name, Video Duration, Average Playback Duration, Total Playback Count.
    Play Count
    Total number of plays for the current file.
    Average Playback Duration
    Average play duration of the current file, which is the total play duration of the file divided by the number of plays.
    Playback Count Ranking
    Ranking of the current file by the number of plays among all played files.

    Query Features

    VOD Playback Quality Monitoring supports basic filters, data comparison, and advanced filters.

    Basic Filters

    (Required) The platform, which can be iOS, Android, or web.
    The app name, which uniquely identifies an application.
    This is required if the platform selected is iOS or Android. If the platform is web, you don’t need to specify an app name.
    Query Time
    (Required) The time period for which data is queried. You can use preset time periods or manually select a start and end time.
    The minimum granularity for query time in Playback Overview, Performance Metrics, and User Metrics is 5 minutes. The minimum granularity for query time in File Metrics is 1 day. The duration for a single query cannot exceed 90 days.

    Data Comparison

    The Data Comparison feature allows you to compare data from different time periods. Two options are offered: period-valued comparison and custom comparison, which can be selected at the same time.
    Period-valued comparison
    Compare to the last period
    Specify a time period to compare
    The duration of the time periods compared is the query time selected. When you select a custom start time, the end time will be automatically calculated based on the selected query time.
    For example, if the selected query time is from 2021-07-08 12:00 to 2021-07-14 14:00, then the duration is 6 days and 2 hours.
    For period-valued comparison, the compared period will be from 2021-07-02 09:55 to 2021-07-08 11:55. For custom comparison, if the specified custom start time is 2021-06-01 01:00, then the end time will be 2021-06-07 03:00.

    Advanced filters

    Advanced filters allow you to view data from more dimensions so as to analyze the impact of specific factors on playback.
    Domain name
    The domain used for video playback.
    The region where the request for video playback originates.
    ISP used for playing video.
    Operating system
    Operating system used for playing video.
    Network environment
    The network environment used for playback. This is only supported for iOS and Android platforms.
    The browser used for playback. This is only supported when the platform is web.
    SDK Version
    The version of the Tencent VOD Player SDK used.
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