tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2023-10-26 09:38:34


    Detailed summary of costs by transaction type

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummaryByPayMode.

    Name Type Description
    ActionType String Transaction type code
    ActionTypeName String Transaction type, which can be monthly subscription purchase, monthly subscription renewal, or pay-as-you-go deduction.
    RealTotalCostRatio String Cost ratio, to two decimal points
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BillMonth String Billing month, e.g. 2019-08
    TotalCost String The original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since v3.0 bills took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer uses a contract price different from the published price, - will also be returned for this parameter.


    The products that are applicable.

    Used by actions: DescribeVoucherInfo.

    Name Type Description
    GoodsName String Valid values: all products or names of the applicable products (string). Multiple names are separated by commas.
    PayMode String Valid values: postPay: pay-as-you-go; prePay: prepaid; riPay: reserved instance; empty or *: all. If GoodsName contains multiple product names and PayMode is *, it indicates that the voucher can be used in all billing modes for each of the products.


    Bill details

    Used by actions: DescribeBillDetail.

    Name Type Description
    BusinessCodeName String Product name: The name of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM.
    ProductCodeName String Subproduct name: The subcategory of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM – Standard S1.
    PayModeName String Billing mode, which can be monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go.
    ProjectName String Project name: The project to which a resource belongs, which is user-designated. If a resource has not been assigned to a project, it will automatically belong to the default project.
    RegionName String Region: The region to which a resource belongs, such as South China (Guangzhou).
    ZoneName String Availability zone: availability zone of a resource, e.g. Guangzhou Zone 3
    ResourceId String Instance ID: The object ID of a billed resource, such as a CVM instance ID. This object ID may vary due to various forms and contents of resources in different products.
    ResourceName String Instance name: The resource name set by the user in the console. If it is not set, it will be empty by default.
    ActionTypeName String Transaction type, which can be monthly subscription purchase, monthly subscription renewal, or pay-as-you-go deduction.
    OrderId String Order ID: The order number for a monthly subscription purchase
    BillId String Transaction ID: The bill number for a deducted payment
    PayTime Timestamp Transaction time: The time at which a payment was deducted
    FeeBeginTime Timestamp Usage start time: The time at which product or service usage starts
    FeeEndTime Timestamp Usage end time: The time at which product or service usage ends
    ComponentSet Array of BillDetailComponent Component list
    PayerUin String Payer account ID: The account ID of the payer, which is the unique identifier of a Tencent Cloud user.
    OwnerUin String Owner account ID: The account ID of the actual resource user
    OperateUin String Operator account ID: The account or role ID of the operator who purchases or activates a resource
    Tags Array of BillTagInfo Tag information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BusinessCode String Product code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProductCode String Subproduct code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ActionType String Transaction type code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RegionId String Region ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProjectId Integer Project ID
    PriceInfo Array of String Price attribute: A set of attributes which will determine the price of a component, apart from unit price and usage duration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AssociatedOrder BillDetailAssociatedOrder Associated transaction document ID: The ID of the document associated with a transaction, such as a write-off order, the original order showing a deduction error during first settlement, a restructured order, or the original purchase order corresponding to a refund order.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Formula String Calculation formula: The detailed calculation formula for a specific transaction type, such as refund or configuration change.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FormulaUrl String Billing rules: Official website links for detailed billing rules of each product.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Information of the document associated with bill details

    Used by actions: DescribeBillDetail, DescribeBillDetailForOrganization.

    Name Type Description
    PrepayPurchase String Purchase order.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PrepayRenew String Renewal order.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PrepayModifyUp String Upgrade order.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ReverseOrder String Write-off order.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    NewOrder String The order after discount.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Original String The original order before discount.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Information about components charged in the bill

    Used by actions: DescribeBillDetail, DescribeBillDetailForOrganization.

    Name Type Description
    ComponentCodeName String Component type: The component type of a product or service purchased, such as CVM instance components including CPU and memory.
    ItemCodeName String Component name: The specific component of a product or service purchased
    SinglePrice String Component list price: The listed unit price of a component. If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price, this parameter will not be displayed by default.
    PriceUnit String Component price measurement unit: The unit of measurement for a component price, which is composed of USD, usage unit, and duration unit.
    UsedAmount String Component usage: The actually settled usage of a component, which is "Raw usage - Deducted usage (including packages)".
    UsedAmountUnit String Component usage unit: The unit of measurement for component usage
    RealTotalMeasure String Raw usage/duration: The raw usage/duration of a component before deduction. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DeductedMeasure String Deducted usage/duration (including packages): The usage/duration deducted with a package. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TimeSpan String Usage duration: The resource usage duration
    TimeUnitName String Duration unit: The unit of measurement for usage duration
    Cost String Original cost: The original cost of a resource, which is "List price x Usage x Usage duration". If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price or is in a refund scenario, this parameter will not be displayed by default.
    Discount String Discount multiplier: The discount multiplier applied to the cost of the resource. If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price or is in a refund scenario, this parameter will not be displayed by default.
    ReduceType String Offer type
    RealCost String Total amount after discount: Total amount after discount = (Original cost - RI deduction (cost) - SP deduction (cost)) x Discount multiplier
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ItemCode String Component type code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ComponentCode String Component name code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ContractPrice String Component contracted price: The contracted unit price of a component, which is "List price x Discount". Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    InstanceType String Instance type: The instance type of a product or service purchased, which can be resource package, RI, SP, or spot instance. Other instance types are not displayed by default. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RiTimeSpan String RI deduction (duration): The usage duration deducted by RI. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OriginalCostWithRI String RI deduction (cost): The amount deducted from the original cost by RI. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SPDeductionRate String Savings plan deduction rate: The discount multiplier that applies to the component based on the remaining commitment of the savings plan. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OriginalCostWithSP String SP deduction (cost): SP deduction (cost) = Cost deduction by SP / SP deduction rate. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BlendedDiscount String Blended discount multiplier: The final discount multiplier that is applied after combining multiple discount types, which is "Total amount after discount / Original cost". Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ComponentConfig Array of BillDetailComponentConfig Configuration description: The specification configuration of an instance.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Bill details configuration descriptions

    Used by actions: DescribeBillDetail, DescribeBillDetailForOrganization.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Configuration description name
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Value String Configuration description value
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Summary objects for a reseller bill

    Used by actions: DescribeBillResourceSummaryForOrganization.

    Name Type Description
    BusinessCodeName String Product name: The name of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM.
    ProductCodeName String Subproduct name: The subcategory of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM - Standard S1.
    PayModeName String Billing mode: The billing mode, which can be monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go.
    ProjectName String Project Name: The project to which a resource belongs, which is user-designated. If a resource has not been assigned to a project, it will automatically belong to the default project.
    RegionName String Region: The region of a resource, e.g. South China (Guangzhou).
    ZoneName String Availability zone: The availability zone of a resource, e.g. Guangzhou Zone 3.
    ResourceId String Instance ID: The object ID of a billed resource, such as a CVM instance ID. This object ID may vary due to various forms and contents of resources in different products.
    ResourceName String Instance name: The resource name set by the user in the console. If it is not set, it will be empty by default.
    ActionTypeName String Transaction type, which can be monthly subscription purchase, monthly subscription renewal, pay-as-you-go deduction, etc.
    OrderId String Order ID: The ID of a monthly subscription order.
    PayTime Timestamp Deduction time: The settlement cost deduction time.
    FeeBeginTime Timestamp Usage start time: The time at which product or service usage starts.
    FeeEndTime Timestamp Usage end time: The time at which product or service usage ends.
    ConfigDesc String Configuration description: The billable item names and usage of a resource, which are displayed on the resource bill only.
    ExtendField1 String Extended Field 1: The extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    ExtendField2 String Extended field 2: The extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    TotalCost String Original cost. The original cost of a component = Component price x Usage x Usage duration. If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price or if a customer is in a refund scenario, this parameter will not be displayed by default.
    Discount String Discount multiplier: The discount multiplier that applies to the component. If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price or if a customer is in a refund scenario, this parameter will not be displayed by default.
    ReduceType String Offer type.
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount.
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount.
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit payment: The amount paid through the user's cash account.
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit payment: The amount paid with the user's free credit.
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit payment: The amount paid with the user's commission credit.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ExtendField3 String Extended field 3: The extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    ExtendField4 String Extended field 4: The extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    ExtendField5 String Extended field 5: The extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    Tags Array of BillTagInfo Tag information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OwnerUin String Owner account ID: The account ID of the actual resource user.
    OperateUin String Operator account ID: The account or role ID of the operator who purchases or activates a resource.
    BusinessCode String Product code.
    ProductCode String Subproduct code.
    RegionId Integer Region ID.
    InstanceType String Instance type: The instance type of a product or service purchased, which can be resource package, RI, SP, or spot instance. Other instance types are not displayed by default.
    OriginalCostWithRI String RI deduction (cost): The amount deducted from the original cost by RI.
    OriginalCostWithSP String SP deduction (cost): The amount of cost deducted by a savings plan based on the component's original cost. SP deduction (cost) = Cost deduction by SP / SP deduction rate


    Information about resources charged in the bill

    Used by actions: DescribeBillResourceSummary.

    Name Type Description
    BusinessCodeName String Product name: The name of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM.
    ProductCodeName String Subproduct name: The subcategory of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM – Standard S1.
    PayModeName String Billing mode, which can be monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go.
    ProjectName String Project name: The project to which a resource belongs, which is user-designated. If a resource has not been assigned to a project, it will automatically belong to the default project.
    RegionName String Region: The region to which a resource belongs, such as South China (Guangzhou).
    ZoneName String Availability zone: The availability zone to which a resource belongs, such as Guangzhou Zone 3.
    ResourceId String Instance ID: The object ID of a billed resource, such as a CVM instance ID. This object ID may vary due to various forms and contents of resources in different products.
    ResourceName String Instance name: The resource name set by the user in the console. If it is not set, it will be empty by default.
    ActionTypeName String Transaction type, which can be monthly subscription purchase, monthly subscription renewal, or pay-as-you-go deduction.
    OrderId String Order ID: The order number for a monthly subscription purchase
    PayTime Timestamp Transaction time: The time at which a payment was deducted
    FeeBeginTime Timestamp Usage start time: The time at which product or service usage starts
    FeeEndTime Timestamp Usage end time: The time at which product or service usage ends
    ConfigDesc String Configuration description: The billable item names and usage of a resource, which are displayed on the resource bill only.
    ExtendField1 String Extended field 1: Extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    ExtendField2 String Extended field 2: Extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    TotalCost String Original cost: The original cost of a resource, which is "List price x Usage x Usage duration". If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price or applied for a refund, this parameter will not be displayed by default.
    Discount String Discount multiplier: The discount multiplier applied to the cost of the resource. If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price or applied for a refund, this parameter will not be displayed by default.
    ReduceType String Offer type
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ExtendField3 String Extended field 3: Extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    ExtendField4 String Extended field 4: Extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    ExtendField5 String Extended field 5: Extended attribute information of a product, which is displayed on the resource bill only.
    Tags Array of BillTagInfo Tag information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PayerUin String Payer account ID: The account ID of the payer, which is the unique identifier of a Tencent Cloud user.
    OwnerUin String Owner account ID: The account ID of the actual resource user
    OperateUin String Operator account ID: The account or role ID of the operator who purchases or activates a resource.
    BusinessCode String Product code
    ProductCode String Subproduct code
    RegionId Integer Region ID
    InstanceType String Instance type: The instance type of a product or service purchased, which can be resource package, RI, SP, or spot instance. Other instance types are not displayed by default.
    OriginalCostWithRI String RI deduction (cost): The amount deducted from the original cost by RI
    OriginalCostWithSP String SP deduction (cost): SP deduction (cost) = Cost deduction by SP / SP deduction rate


    Bill tag information.

    Used by actions: DescribeBillDetail, DescribeBillDetailForOrganization, DescribeBillResourceSummary, DescribeBillResourceSummaryForOrganization.

    Name Type Description
    TagKey String Cost allocation tag key
    TagValue String Tag value


    Detailed summary of products

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummary, DescribeBillSummaryForOrganization.

    Name Type Description
    BusinessCode String Product code
    BusinessCodeName String Product name: The name of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM.
    TotalCost String Original cost in USD. This parameter became valid when Bill 3.0 took effect in May 2021. Before that, - was returned for this parameter. If a customer has applied for a contract price different from the prices listed on the official website, - will also be returned for this parameter.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Summarize product details by product

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummaryByProduct.

    Name Type Description
    BusinessCode String Product code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BusinessCodeName String Product name: The name of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM.
    RealTotalCostRatio String Cost ratio, to two decimal points
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit.
    BillMonth String Billing month, e.g. 2019-08
    TotalCost String The original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since v3.0 bills took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer uses a contract price different from the published price, - will also be returned for this parameter.


    Summarize total cost by product

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummaryByProduct.

    Name Type Description
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit.
    TotalCost String The original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since v3.0 bills took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer uses a contract price different from the published price, - will also be returned for this parameter.


    Information about the data structure of the returned COS usage details

    Used by actions: DescribeDosageCosDetailByDate.

    Name Type Description
    BucketName String Bucket name
    DosageBeginTime String The start time of the usage
    DosageEndTime String The end time of the usage
    SubProductCodeName String Subproduct name
    BillingItemCodeName String Billable item name
    DosageValue String Usage
    Unit String Unit of the billable item


    Objects of reseller bill details

    Used by actions: DescribeBillDetailForOrganization.

    Name Type Description
    BusinessCodeName String Product name: The name of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM.
    ProductCodeName String Subproduct name: The subcategory of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM - Standard S1.
    PayModeName String Billing mode: The billing mode, which can be monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go.
    ProjectName String Project Name: The project to which a resource belongs, which is user-designated. If a resource has not been assigned to a project, it will automatically belong to the default project.
    RegionName String Region: The region of a resource, e.g. South China (Guangzhou).
    ZoneName String Availability zone: availability zone of a resource, e.g. Guangzhou Zone 3.
    ResourceId String Instance ID: The object ID of a billed resource, such as a CVM instance ID. This object ID may vary due to various forms and contents of resources in different products.
    ResourceName String Instance name: The resource name set by the user in the console. If it is not set, it will be empty by default.
    ActionTypeName String Transaction type, which can be monthly subscription purchase, monthly subscription renewal, pay-as-you-go deduction, etc.
    OrderId String Order ID: The ID of a monthly subscription order.
    BillId String Transaction ID: The ID of a settlement bill.
    PayTime Timestamp Deduction time: The settlement cost deduction time.
    FeeBeginTime Timestamp Usage start time: The time at which product or service usage starts.
    FeeEndTime Timestamp Usage end time: The time at which product or service usage ends.
    ComponentSet Array of BillDetailComponent List of components.
    OwnerUin String Owner account ID: The account ID of the actual resource user.
    OperateUin String Operator account ID: The account or role ID of the operator who purchases or activates a resource.
    Tags Array of BillTagInfo Tag information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BusinessCode String Product code.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProductCode String Subproduct code.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ActionType String Transaction type code.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RegionId String Region ID.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProjectId Integer Project ID.
    PriceInfo Array of String Price attribute: A set of attributes which will determine the price of a component, apart from unit price and usage duration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AssociatedOrder BillDetailAssociatedOrder Associated transaction document ID: The ID of the document associated with a transaction, such as a write-off order, the original order showing a deduction error during first settlement, a restructured order, or the original purchase order corresponding to a refund order.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Formula String Calculation formula: The detailed calculation formula for a specific transaction type, such as refund or configuration change.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FormulaUrl String Billing rules: Official website links for detailed billing rules of each product.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The products that are not applicable.

    Used by actions: DescribeVoucherInfo.

    Name Type Description
    GoodsName String The names of non-applicable products.
    PayMode String postPay: pay-as-you-go; prePay: prepaid; riPay: reserved instance; empty or *: all.


    Detailed summary of costs by billing mode

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummaryByPayMode.

    Name Type Description
    PayMode String Billing mode code
    PayModeName String Billing mode, which can be monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go.
    RealTotalCostRatio String Cost ratio, to two decimal points
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash balance
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit.
    TotalCost String The original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since v3.0 bills took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer uses a contract price different from the published price, - will also be returned for this parameter.
    Detail Array of ActionSummaryOverviewItem Detailed summary of costs by transaction type


    Detailed summary of purchases by project

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummaryByProject.

    Name Type Description
    ProjectId String Project ID
    ProjectName String Project name: The project to which a resource belongs, which is user-designated. If a resource has not been assigned to a project, it will automatically belong to the default project.
    RealTotalCostRatio String Cost ratio, to two decimal points
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit.
    BillMonth String Billing month, e.g. 2019-08
    TotalCost String The original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since v3.0 bills took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer uses a contract price different from the published price, - will also be returned for this parameter.


    Detailed summary of purchases by region

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummaryByRegion.

    Name Type Description
    RegionId String Region ID
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    RegionName String Region: The region to which a resource belongs, such as South China (Guangzhou).
    RealTotalCostRatio String Cost ratio, to two decimal points
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit.
    BillMonth String Billing month, e.g. 2019-08
    TotalCost String The original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since v3.0 bills took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer uses a contract price different from the published price, - will also be returned for this parameter.


    Detailed summary of costs by multiple dimensions

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummary, DescribeBillSummaryForOrganization.

    Name Type Description
    GroupKey String Bill dimension code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    GroupValue String Bill dimension value. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TotalCost String Original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since Bill 3.0 took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer has applied for a contract price different from the prices listed on the official website, - will also be returned for this parameter.
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The voucher deduction amount
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Business Array of BusinessSummaryInfo Detailed summary of products. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Total cost

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummaryByTag.

    Name Type Description
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TotalCost String The original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since v3.0 bills took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer uses a contract price different from the published price, - will also be returned for this parameter.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Tag information.

    Used by actions: DescribeTagList.

    Name Type Description
    TagKey String Cost allocation tag key.
    Status Integer Tag type. Valid values: 0 (general tags), 1 (cost allocation tags).
    UpdateTime String Time to set the cost allocation tag. It will not be returned if Status is 0.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Details about cost distribution over different tags.

    Used by actions: DescribeBillSummaryByTag.

    Name Type Description
    TagValue String Tag value
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RealTotalCostRatio String Cost percentage rounded to two decimal places
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RealTotalCost String Total amount after discount. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CashPayAmount String Cash credit: The amount paid from the user’s cash account. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IncentivePayAmount String Free credit: The amount paid with the user’s free credit. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VoucherPayAmount String Voucher payment: The amount deducted by using vouchers. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TransferPayAmount String Commission credit: The amount paid with the user’s commission credit. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TotalCost String The original cost in USD. This parameter has become valid since v3.0 bills took effect in May 2021, and before that - was returned for this parameter. If a customer uses a contract price different from the published price, - will also be returned for this parameter.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The product purchased.

    Used by actions: DescribeVoucherUsageDetails.

    Name Type Description
    ProductName String The name of the product.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    SubProductName String


    The usage records.

    Used by actions: DescribeVoucherUsageDetails.

    Name Type Description
    UsedAmount Integer The amount used. The value of this parameter is the amount used (USD, rounded to 8 decimal places) multiplied by 100,000,000.
    UsedTime String The time when the voucher was used.
    UsageDetails Array of UsageDetails The details of the product purchased.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    Voucher information.

    Used by actions: DescribeVoucherInfo.

    Name Type Description
    OwnerUin String The owner of the voucher.
    Status String The status of the voucher: unUsed, used, delivered, cancel, overdue
    NominalValue Integer The value of the voucher. The value of this parameter is the voucher value (USD, rounded to 8 decimal places) multiplied by 100,000,000.
    Balance Integer The balance left. The value of this parameter is the balance left (USD, rounded to 8 decimal places) multiplied by 100,000,000.
    VoucherId String The voucher ID.
    PayMode String postPay: pay-as-you-go; prePay: prepaid; riPay: reserved instance; empty or *: all.
    PayScene String If PayMode is postPay, this parameter may be spotpay (spot instance) or settle account (regular pay-as-you-go). If PayMode is prePay, this parameter may be purchase, renew, or modify (downgrade/upgrade). If PayMode is riPay, this parameter may be oneOffFee (prepayment of reserved instance) or hourlyFee (hourly billing of reserved instance). * means to query vouchers that support all billing scenarios.
    BeginTime String The start time of the validity period.
    EndTime String The end time of the validity period.
    ApplicableProducts ApplicableProducts The products that are applicable.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    ExcludedProducts Array of ExcludedProducts The products that are not applicable.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.